
When we say Stones to Bridges is a space created just for you, we really mean it. That’s why we want to hear from you! Let us know what you think of Stones to Bridges by providing a “testimonial”. Did you read a personal reflection that resonated with you? Find a Fatima's response helpful? Or just love the site in general? Let us know!

See how the Stones to Bridges community has helped individuals turn their stones to bridges.


“I benefited from sharing my struggles on Stones to Bridges.”

Salaam! Thank you for your prompt and heartfelt response. It was very helpful to me and I benefited from sharing my struggles on Stones to Bridges. I will be keeping these uplifting words close to my heart.  Thank you sincerely Read original post at: https://www.stonestobridges.org/2024/09/18/conflicted-on-naseeb/

Alhamduillah for this site!

Alhamduillah that Allah allowed me to find this site. Growing up, I didn’t have any sort of Muslim community as I was the only Muslimah in my school. Whenever I had any challenges it was difficult to speak to someone with the same Islamic values as I. That’s why it was such a blessing for ... Read More

I love you all so much

A sister who struggled with bullying said the following… “This helped so much. I love you all so much. Thank you. With all sincerity, I ask Allah to grant you and your team happiness and contentment in this life and akhira. Jazakumullah kul khair.” ========================================================== This sister requested her post regarding bullying remain unpublished on ... Read More

“Thank youu”

Thank youu I love this website you are all beautiful people may Allah reward you and give u Khair in this life and the hereafter

Thank you so much

I always keep coming back here whenever I need someone to talk to. I’d like to thank to everyone in here, who never know me outside but know the deepest secret of my life. When I learn about this website, I know this is one of His many ways to help me..through here, through you.. alhamdulillah.. I posted many ... Read More