Hello everyone, I am writing this because I have bottled this for soooo long that I can no longer keep it inside. I feel like I might not be interested in the guys for marriage due to my attraction to women. The problem is that I practice my religion very strictly and it is wrong ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m an 18 year old girl and my relationship, similar to the previous post, has also gone down with my father. However, this time it is mainly my fault, Fatima, its my fault, and that is why i’m crying as I write this. See, my dad overreacts to EVERYTHING, doesn’t matter what it ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m an 18 year old girl and I don’t have real friends. There a group of 7-8 of us in the masjid including my sister who is a few years younger than me. I’m having a really hard time getting along with one of these girls. We literally only say “hi” and “bye” ... Read More
I am a 16 year old Muslim girl and I have been going through some tough times. Me and my dad used to be really close, but after a while things went downhill and our relationship slowly crashed. In elementary school my dad and mom were going through a lot they have been fighting since then. I found out what ... Read More
I am sixteen years old and a girl and recently over the past nine months I accidentally fell in love with a Muslim boy also of my age we never dated but we both knew our feelings for each other and sometimes acted like we were. We tried our best to resist temptation but it ... Read More
Dear, Fatima I’m not sure if you guys got my other submission form, hopefully not because, I didn’t put certain things I should’ve if I did sorry about that. Anywas I’m now 16 years old Palestinian obv raised in America, I don’t really know where to start, so I’ll just start with my family, there ... Read More
Dear, Fatima I have posted before but not about this topic. I am 16 year old Palestinian (obvs born and raised in America), I was very hesitant to write, as I was scared someone will figure out who I am but I thought why not? So my problem lies solely upon myself, I feel lonely/alone ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am a 17 year old girl and this has been the worst week of my life. In fact, i’m already broken and may never heal again. It’s easy to motivate people and tell them to look at the positive side but all I have been telling myself this week is “you are ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am a 17 year old girl struggling with family relationships. I never understood my low self-confidence but now I’m certain that the source of it must be my father. I absolutely abhor him at this point and am trying to repair myself but the more I tell myself to let him fight ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am a senior in high school, turning 18 in a few days, and I still think about a college sophomore boy whom I had very deep feelings for when I was a sophomore in high school. I know now that we were never supposed to be friends because he is a non-mahram ... Read More