I been going through different things in life the past years. My confidents issue, my anxiety, the panic attack that I get sometimes being around people which makes me start acting wired and it make my heart sad and think to myself why can I not be like those other girls act normal with confidents or have ... Read More
Salam, I am almost 16 and I struggle with 2 things. Masturbation and my sexual identity. When it first happened I only did it every once in a while now it has gotten to the point where I am doing it 2-3 every single month. I know this is haram but I can’t stop myself. I ... Read More
Aa Fatima, I’m not sure why I decided to post here.. I’ve been on this site countless of times and even leave comments from time to time. But I’ve never shared anything of my own. I’m a 23 year old hijabi who will be graduating from college this year, and soon to be married as ... Read More
Assalamualaykum Dear Fatima, I am the girl who posted last 2 years here in “Against Nature”. For quite some times I live peacefully without having romantic feelings to the same gender… I try so hard to avoid it but it happen again. I swear I don’t expect this and I don’t intend it to happen. This is killing ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m an 18 year old girl. I have posted before i’m still struggling with my cousin. She is 4 years older, came to the country a year ago from India. She keeps telling me to set boundaries and so we have; for the sake of damage control. I don’t text her/call when she ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m an 18 year old girl and feel like i’m a very bad person. I’m extremely sad right now because of this. My parents yell at me for something every single day. They are never happy with me and it reflects back on me, so i’m not happy with myself. Then as a ... Read More
If you really knew me…you would know that I am unstable and insecure. The worst of the worst and I never wanted to be that. I show myself to be such a good person but am I really? The worst is when my insecurities get to me. I feel like I am so ugly and ... Read More
Salam, I’m a 15 year old guy. I have posted on here before but I just don’t know how to get help.I have been struggling much more recently with my sexual abuse experience. When I was 8 years old, a family member starting molesting me sporadically until I was 12-13. People wonder why I hate ... Read More
Salaam wa alaikum, I’m ruining my life by living in my head. During sophomore year i switched to a new school and was bullied and suffered from extremely low self-esteem. I wore hijab which got me noticed more and not in a good way. Although there was nice people my awkwardness ruined any possible friendships. ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I read about deadly sins that doom a person to hell. Shirk, murder, practice magic, adultery and so on. How about rape or molest or abuse? How about the pedophile out there? How about people who are responsible for the mess I have to deal right now? Of me being afraid of marriage. Of ... Read More