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Conflict Between Generations

Conflict Between Generations

I am sure each and every one of us has dealt with parents who just don’t understand us. And man, what a pain it is to try to get them to see our point! As I’ve grown older, I slowly started to realize how easily I am convinced. And this easily being convinced thing started ... Read More


The beautifully radiant & remarkably strong diamond is only formed when it’s natural elements go through extreme pressure. May Allah (God) give us the strength n faith to patiently persevere through our extreme pressures, making us the beautifully radiant diamonds we hv the potential to be! 🙂


Dear Fatima, I am a 15 year old girl in the US. I go to one of the best high schools in the country, I am a good student, I get good grades, and people regularly tell me that I am good at so much and that I have so much potential. I always put ... Read More