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Why am I not as beloved as my siblings?

Why am I not as beloved as my siblings?

Dear Fatima,I am a 16 year old girls living in Canada. I am the middle child from five children and I feel as if I am treated differently then my siblings. Some examples are how I am not allowed to insult my older siblings or tell them to shut up or else I get in ... Read More
How to end the abuse and aggression?

How to end the abuse and aggression?

I am a sister in need for help. I have suffered for 14 years, and I have not been able to fix my situation by myself. I know I have the potential to be a good mother insha-Allah, but I have been broken so much, that in my current situation, I feel weak, helpless, and ... Read More
I dont know how to keep going..

I dont know how to keep going..

Salaams, I am a 21-year-old female who has been struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts ever since I can remember. Almost every day is a battle with myself to keep going. I try so hard to get over everything going on in my head. I have so many issues and I don’t know how to ... Read More
Struggle for nothing

Struggle for nothing

I have been in counseling for a long time. I’ve tried many different medications. I’ve seen different psychiatrists, doctors, specialists. I have tried herbal supplements, omega 3, acupuncture, massage, meditation/mindfulness, biofeedback. You name it! I’m starting to think I should just admit myself into the behavioral center again. But even THAT didn’t do me any ... Read More
I cant go on…

I cant go on…

Salam, I am a female in my late teens and I am honestly done with my life. The thing is, it is no ones fault but mine and I am convinced that I am nothing but a nuisance to everyone around me. This all started in my earlier in my life, when I was 14 ... Read More