I had the same problem, sister. Alhamduliah, my husband has stopped, and InshaAllah, yours will, too. I don’t know how extreme your case is, but for my husband, it had been going on for many years before he met me. He told me about the problem before we got married, and I accepted it about ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I have been having trouble for the past couple of months with sexual urges. I am single female, have never had a boyfriend and the farthest I have ever gotten with a boy is a hug, and that was a friend..not even a boy I was interested it, ( and sorry I know ... Read More
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Asalamu alaikum sister, I am a brother the same as you who struggled with suicide and depression for the majority of his life. While I understand how painful it is to be surrounded in a world of darkness struggling to the see the light, have a good opinion of Allah and KNOW ... Read More