Hi Fatima. I just turned 16 yesterday. Im a young Muslim girl and everything was going great in life until Ramadan. During Ramadan, I was approached by an auntie, or a friend of my parents. She hinted a marriage request from her son, and I thought it was strange. I’d known him through our parents, ... Read More
Salam, I’m a 15 year old guy. I have posted on here before but I just don’t know how to get help.I have been struggling much more recently with my sexual abuse experience. When I was 8 years old, a family member starting molesting me sporadically until I was 12-13. People wonder why I hate ... Read More
“You are brave. You are beautiful You are worthy of love. I’m so proud of you for sharing this — it is not easy to talk about. But talking about it and seeking help is the first step towards learning tools on how to deal with trials in life. Please remember — i have not ... Read More
I am a 16 year old Muslim girl and I have been going through some tough times. Me and my dad used to be really close, but after a while things went downhill and our relationship slowly crashed. In elementary school my dad and mom were going through a lot they have been fighting since then. I found out what ... Read More
I need to stop being so suspicious of men in my assumptions that they’re going to hurt me. In my eyes, any man has the potential to be abusive, even the ones I trust wholeheartedly. I see it as only a matter of time before they snap, before they assault me, which makes me ache ... Read More
Sometimes we grow blind to the horror of our own experiences because we survived them. We no longer feel them. We become muted to our own torture. Yet when we share these abuses with others, their reactions are surprising. We are amazed that anyone could consider our trials to have been horrific. We are shocked when ... Read More
By Malahat Baig-Amin, LCSW, Psychotherapist www.malahatbaigamin.com (Our counselor, Malahat Baig-Amin, wrote this article especially for our users like you! Read her bio here.) Domestic violence occurs in almost all communities around the world regardless of culture, religion, education or economic background. Muslim communities are not exempt from this phenomenon and must face the challenge of ... Read More
— Though roses and lillies and tulips are each beautiful on their own, the most beautiful of gardens is the most diverse. May we always see the beauty in diversity, knowing the best in the garden of humanity is where we all come together happily with our different appearances, beliefs, and personalities. — Though it ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am a 15 year old girl in the US. I go to one of the best high schools in the country, I am a good student, I get good grades, and people regularly tell me that I am good at so much and that I have so much potential. I always put ... Read More
Muslim Youth Musings is a literary magazine committed to inspiring the Ummah through quality Islamic literature authored by Muslim youth across the world. http://www.muslimyouthmusings.com/