If you really knew me you would know that I don’t choose to be a loner. My parents have always stressed on me not to have any friends. I’ve now adjusted to that lifestyle, but I’m not happy with it.
Salam alykum So I have two sisters , one is married on her second marriage and to me she’s not happy to the exent where she should be because she isolates her self from the world. But alhamduillah she prays and is somewhat religious but it concerns me that she doesnt want to meet people ... Read More
While God continuously sends us one lifeboat after the next, in all shapes and forms, most often our hearts are scrambling in fear so we overlook them all. May Allah (God) bless our hearts to trust Him, calmly open our eyes and patiently persevere so we can live the beauty of life. 🙂
Click below to access the full article on MySahana Organization website: Tips to Find a Counselor/Therapist Finding a therapist can be a daunting task, especially if it is your first time. Because of the stigma associated with mental health, personal referrals are rarely made and each client is left up to themselves to find the ... Read More
Sometimes we struggle to say what we wish to say and sometimes we say too much. Sometimes we mean to say one thing and say the other and sometimes we make a situation worse even when attempting to make it better. There are days we grab life by the horns and conquer the universe and ... Read More
It hasn’t always been easy for me to share my story about mental illness. At times, I have denied having Bipolar Disorder. I’d argue with myself and say since I am in Remission without symptoms it is like I do not have the disease. No, Biopolar Disorder is a chronic illness that is with you ... Read More
“One last thing, i wanted to thank a sister that came up to me and introduced me to this site at an ISNA convention in Houston… She was trying to get ideas for the website & she was asking for my help. little did she know that i needed this, WALAHI i want to thank ... Read More