Dear Fatima, I am a 20-something mother of a 2 month old… My issue is that I can’t let go of the past… The thing is when my son was just two weeks old… My mother was visiting me after 3 years- for the first time- to help take care of me and my baby… ... Read More
— Though roses and lillies and tulips are each beautiful on their own, the most beautiful of gardens is the most diverse. May we always see the beauty in diversity, knowing the best in the garden of humanity is where we all come together happily with our different appearances, beliefs, and personalities. — Though it ... Read More
“Asalamau alaikum brothers and sisters, This is the same brother that wrote the original post, and I want to thank Allah for creating you and filling your hearts with love and mercy. I read this when I am feeling low and it lightens up my heart and gives me hope. I have not responded to ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I found myself writing to you after scrolling through my facebook list, and my phonebook feeling as if I have no one to reach out to about my problems. This is just a desperate plea because I really don’t know who to turn to. When I was a child, I was sexually abused ... Read More
You don’t yet know what wonderful gifts you have to give. All those people around you that look so together are not. You have only begun life as an adult with the power to choose. We all make bad choices on occasion. Sometimes even in the name of faith. The pain of feeling like you ... Read More
Asalamu alaikum Fatima, I am a student in college top grades, family, and many good things happening to me. I have just converted a few years ago to Islam and now I am very close to leaving it. I see so much good in this religion and none in me, people just feel sorry for ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I just found out that a cousin of mine who is 16 years old and lives overseas (in South Asia) has been going a little out of control, and I honestly don’t think she’s just going through a ‘teenage rebellion.’ Not only is she failing classes (as she has been doing for years), ... Read More
Loving one person and being loved by that person is the most important thing for your happiness, or even life. We hear this everyday. We see this everywhere, so regularly that the thought begins to come to us without our even being aware of it. And it’s so hard to escape this concept when you’re ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’ve always known to take the high road in life but for the past 2 years; that hasn’t been the case with me. Growing up in Texas i had very strong opinions about things and never gave in to any sort of peer pressure in all my high school years. I never drank ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Ramadan is here and I am trying to make the best of it insha’Allah. But I can’t help this feeling of hopelessness I have. Everybody is a sinner, but I feel like I am absolutely horrible. I used to be a good muslim girl, but I messed up recently. There are a lot ... Read More