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“I thought all there was to life was being like someone else. Truth is, everything you could ever need is within you.”

“I thought all there was to life was being like someone else. Truth is, everything you could ever need is within you. I started acknowledging all the strength and courage I possessed. I started to pray to God and acknowledged the connection I felt. I turned life around for the better and told myself, I am ... Read More

“We cannot let this event take away our right of living a good life”

Salaams Sister, I think it is very brave of you to reach out and describe what you have gone thru. I know this because I can relate. I was sexually molested for about 5 years and this also started at an early age of 5-6. I was molested by my Father’s brother. What is worse ... Read More

“We feel regretful because God has enlightened our souls”

Dear Brother, I’m going to write my personal thoughts on your situation. I truly believe that what you are going through at the moment is in fact the process of repentance. Let me explain. When we feel regret, remorse & shame upon any sins we have committed, it is a signal in our heart, from ... Read More
Muslim…and Bipolar! Coping with Mental Illness today

Muslim…and Bipolar! Coping with Mental Illness today

Click below to see original article on The Islamic Monthly website: Muslim…and Bipolar! Coping with Mental Illness today By Noura Rockwood In the summer of 1999, I took my shahada in a small, sunlit room in Illinois. I was 13 years old, and had spent the prior year trying to end my own life. Fueled by a feeling ... Read More

“It is through struggle we really learn to become better people”

Dear sister or brother, Know that you are not alone in this struggle. Many people go through such hard difficulties (as yourself), and I find these people to be the most beautiful. Because it is through struggle we really learn to become better people. You are not a loser. The fact that you haven’t cut ... Read More
Why can’t I just break out?

Why can’t I just break out?

I have been dealing with depression and aniety my entire life. I started noticing signs of ocd when I was 8 years old but didnt realize what was wrong with me,and since I have parents who were too busy to pay attention I realized for myself why I had to repeat things over and over ... Read More
We will survive – RAPE!

We will survive – RAPE!

Click below to watch video on the Upworthy Website: A Few Weeks Before She Was Crowned ‘Miss World,’ She Was Raped. But This Isn’t Just Her Story. By Carly Gillis Hearing a former Miss World winner talk about her rape (and the subsequent legal hell) is sobering. But seeing other women opening up to her so ... Read More

“You were created for Jannah, not Hell, and as long as you strive with SINCERE INTENTION, your actions may falter and slip, but Allah judges your heart, not your outward”

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Asalamu alaikum sister, I am a brother the same as you who struggled with suicide and depression for the majority of his life. While I understand how painful it is to be surrounded in a world of darkness struggling to the see the light, have a good opinion of Allah and KNOW ... Read More