Today after Asr, my mom told me that she makes dua for me to meet my naseeb soon. But she was frustrated and said, “For the love of Allah, show up to your classes. Go to university, get to know people, mingle so they know who you are and whose daughter you are. Nobody even ... Read More
Assalamu alaikum I, 22F, have recently been experiencing a nudge within me to prepare myself for marriage, and for the first time ever, I truly feel as though my mind is fully aligned and I am committed to the journey of getting married. I have always wanted to marry. My biggest dream had been to ... Read More
I am 37 years old, male dealing with PTSD, my story and my trials are closely related to religion. Response from your friends at Stones to Bridges: Assalamualaikum brother I can understand that PTSD is a difficult journey, but in Islam, every moment of patience is rewarded, and every struggle is known by Allah. That ... Read More
Salam I’m 25 F , as long as I remember , I had moments of intense sadness from when I was roughly 15. I have strong family history of mental illness severe ones in fact and the first time I got diagnosed with an illness called dysthymia was sometime in 2020. I was in disbelief ... Read More
My (22F) story is so unique it feels like it could only happen to someone like me. I’ve never met anyone who’s gone through anything remotely similar. In Norway, when ordering a SIM card with a subscription, a great credit score is essential. The system allows someone to purchase a SIM card under their name ... Read More
After writing my goals for 2025, I decided to watch a video on abundance and reaching my potential by a muslimah creator. Suddenly, the video triggered me. It was about how everything you want in life can be achieved and how there’s no such thing as luck. The people who seem “lucky” and get everything ... Read More
ASA – My son is 13 years old. He is struggling with anxiety, no desire to go to school or follow his daily routine at home. we believe his struggles are related to self-esteem, self-confidence, and how to manage/ deal with bullying in school. it’s affecting our relationship with him and trust to share his ... Read More
21F I had a fight with my friend that led to the demise of our friendship. I’ve decided not to reconcile or make amends because she doesn’t deserve someone like me. The fight started because I was deeply depressed. Normally, when I’m feeling low and need a break, I would tell her, but this time, ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I feel that I am at a pivotal stage in life right now, but I am so conflicted. I am a 24-year-old woman, turning 25 in about 4-5 months. Finding the right partner and getting married (and eventually planning a family) are high on my list of priorities. In fact, these have been ... Read More
I am currently 19, and a female. So my life has always been very tough. My parents are both doctors, so they have always been very busy with their work, so it was just me and my brother alone at home at 8 my brother started coaching so I used to be at home alone ... Read More