Dear Fatima, I read about deadly sins that doom a person to hell. Shirk, murder, practice magic, adultery and so on. How about rape or molest or abuse? How about the pedophile out there? How about people who are responsible for the mess I have to deal right now? Of me being afraid of marriage. Of ... Read More
Salam everyone. I’m struggling with a hard time in my life. I’m a teenager and I feel like everything is coming out at once, every obstacle. For one thing, my parents fight every night, then they fight with me, etc. My mother shouts everyday for no reason at all, maybe a dirty dish here and ... Read More
Salaam Sister, I want to commend you for reaching out about this, it had to take a lot of courage! I think it is natural to be curious about sexuality and bodies, especially when you’re young. It’s all new and different. I would give yourself a little bit of slack, I don’t think you’re a ... Read More
Hey everyone, I recently posted about my homosexuality but I just love this website and I wanna say that this will NOT be my last time posting! I have some additional comments on my homosexuality. I feel like I missed some points in my earlier post so I am just going to talk about them here. ... Read More
Hello everyone, I am writing this because I have bottled this for soooo long that I can no longer keep it inside. I feel like I might not be interested in the guys for marriage due to my attraction to women. The problem is that I practice my religion very strictly and it is wrong ... Read More
Dear Fatima, As a Muslim, I was approached by my friends on why Muslims can’t date and Homosexuality in Islam. This was difficult to explain because there is this really popular girl at my school who is Hijabi yet she is dating a non-muslim guy. And not even limited contact, she and her boyfriend hold ... Read More
Dear, Fatima I’m 16 year old girl who is confused about homosexuality in Islam. Not that I’m gay or anything or ik confused, I’m confused in the sense of relationships like friendships with them. I figured out my old friend in childhood was a lesbian, so no chance of friendship there,but then when I got ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am 20-ish woman. I’ve been dealing with my abnormal sexual orientation my entire life. I thought that it was my nature.. As I grow up and learn about things I realized this might resulted from sexual abuses I had when I was a little kid. I learn about life, relationship, love in ... Read More
Click below to see original article on website Gay Muslims – the Elephants in the (Prayer) Room By Mohammed Yusuf Muslims, I find, tend to be quite good at avoiding open discussions about deeply personal matters affecting our communities. The problem is, it is exactly this attitude that leads to the circulation of myths and ... Read More