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My parents are abusing me physically

My parents are abusing me physically

Please tell me what to do am really ambitious with y life and want to shine in future but these parents are beating me like am a soft toy and this happens thrice in a week. ====================================================================== As salaam alaykum, Peace be upon you. This is a prayer and a wish but it is also ... Read More
Why am I not as beloved as my siblings?

Why am I not as beloved as my siblings?

Dear Fatima,I am a 16 year old girls living in Canada. I am the middle child from five children and I feel as if I am treated differently then my siblings. Some examples are how I am not allowed to insult my older siblings or tell them to shut up or else I get in ... Read More
The repetitive cycle of hurt

The repetitive cycle of hurt

Dear Fatima, Asalamu aleykum, I hope this message reaches you well. I have been struggling with heartbreak for nearly 5 years. Backdrop to the story I grew up in a very emotionally unstable home. My father was and is emotionally abusive. Hence, at a very tender age I began to seek love from other men. ... Read More


I am a female freshman college student who is turning 19 in a few short months. I was looking towards a fresh start, and I am still hoping for change, but it has been difficult to change past behaviors that I had in high school. I am very confused about who I am, and what ... Read More
Feels like too much

Feels like too much

Dear Fatima, I’m an 18 year old girl and my relationship, similar to the previous post, has also gone down with my father. However, this time it is mainly my fault, Fatima, its my fault, and that is why i’m crying as I write this. See, my dad overreacts to EVERYTHING, doesn’t matter what it ... Read More
me and my dads relationship

me and my dads relationship

I am a 16 year old Muslim girl and I have been going through some tough times. Me and my dad used to be really close, but after a while things went downhill and our relationship slowly crashed. In elementary school my dad and mom were going through a lot they have been fighting since then. I found out what ... Read More