(I’m a seventeen-year-old girl, for context.) Female friendships just seem really awful. I see girls betraying each other all the time, and my friends do not support me when I need them, whilst I am always doing my best to be there for them. I feel like I am doing all the work in all ... Read More
My only friend who has really been with me always lives abroad and I have never met her. Then I have two friends who I don’t see who do agree with me and stuff but they are I guess not super enthusiastic if it’s anything remotely risky and I feel like they don’t completely GET ... Read More
21F I had a fight with my friend that led to the demise of our friendship. I’ve decided not to reconcile or make amends because she doesn’t deserve someone like me. The fight started because I was deeply depressed. Normally, when I’m feeling low and need a break, I would tell her, but this time, ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Have you ever experienced the feeling of driving passenger in your own life and watching it go by like lights while driving on the highway. Well, thats how I feel every day to constantly replaying the worst times of my life and always wondering what and why did I go down that path. ... Read More
Dear Fatima, For the past month, I have been trying to get closer to Allah. I have been through an immense amount of emotional pain. I feel like no one wants to be around me and I’m just too annoying. I have been praying day and night for weeks hoping that things will get better, ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am a 21 year old girl. I have gotten myself in a sticky situation and have been feeling increasingly guilty over it. I have severe social anxiety and depression. We have a friend group of 6 girls One girl I will call “A” is on bad terms with girl “B” and I ... Read More
Dear Fatima I’m a 22 year old girl living in US. I’m in a lot of pain right now and I’m only sharing this here because I’m given anonymity. If anyone who knows me heard this I’m sure I wouldn’t be even alive right now. I’m in love with another girl. I have no feelings ... Read More
I am a 21 year old girl in U.S. every single day I hate myself more. I just want someone to love me, hug me, show me affection. why am I of so much disgust to people that no one loves me? Why do people not understand tha I want to be loved too? Fatima, ... Read More
I’m a female in my 20s and I don’t know how to explain that I don’t even know what’s wrong with me. My relationship with my family isn’t what is used to be. I’ve changed and become distant with so many people. I feel so lonely. I feel extremely insecure. I got led on by ... Read More
I have been in counseling for a long time. I’ve tried many different medications. I’ve seen different psychiatrists, doctors, specialists. I have tried herbal supplements, omega 3, acupuncture, massage, meditation/mindfulness, biofeedback. You name it! I’m starting to think I should just admit myself into the behavioral center again. But even THAT didn’t do me any ... Read More