How do we deal with the death of a child, a death of suicide? I am stuck in my grief and worried that it will affect my faith. I keep wandering why Allah did not stop this from happening, why Allah did not keep my child from the troubles. I fear the soul of my ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Assalam Alakum, This problem has been going on for years but as I’ve gotten older it’s become increasingly more difficult. I am nineteen years old and still living with my parents. For as long as I can remember my parents have had very few good times together and with age it seems to ... Read More
–Please be aware the following post contains graphic descriptions of abuse that may not be suitable for all readers– I am a 20 year old girl. I live with my parents and today is my first time I’m sharing this with anyone. My mother is abusive. Mentally,emotionally and physically. She has been my whole life ... Read More
I am a 14 year old female, and i’m struggling with keeping myself at peace. My parents are being more verbally abusive towards me more and more everyday. It’s gotten to the point where I start to fantasize about their deaths. I live in a pretty strict home. My parents think i’m fine and just ... Read More
15, male. I have done some things that I regret and my parents found out about it and now they have no trust in me. Its been two years like this, I have no friends and can never go out or hang out with people. They don’t let me talk to any girls or have ... Read More
12, male, my parents are Christians, I’ve been atheist for the majority of my life, I was in a dark state when I found Islam and after I started learning more about it I found that it’s teachings really connected with me. My parents aren’t accepting my religion and I need to know what to ... Read More
Hello, I’m a 17 year old female from the UAE and my mother has been abusing me for 8 years… When my parents got divorced, thats when the abuse has started. The oldest memory I remember is when she dragged me into her room by my hair and she broke 5 hangers one me.. my ... Read More
Aslamalakum wa rahmatuliallahi wa baraktuh dear counselor, I am a Muslim female and I am 17 years of age. I saw that a sister posted about her story concerning her mother abusing her and I wanted to share mine. Honestly, I don’t know where to start so excuse me if this ends up being too ... Read More
I am a female and 17. The day before yesterday, was my last exam. I wanted time to enjoy and rest but my mother said I have to learn how to cook. I don’t like cooking, and considering that my exams had just finished I told her I needed rest. But she forced me to ... Read More
Please tell me what to do am really ambitious with y life and want to shine in future but these parents are beating me like am a soft toy and this happens thrice in a week. ====================================================================== As salaam alaykum, Peace be upon you. This is a prayer and a wish but it is also ... Read More