Dear Fatima, I just started realizing who I am for the first time in my life. I know how I want to act and who I want to surround myself with. I know i’m making the right choices. I’m focusing on my grades and trying to respect my parents more. I’m being more independent and ... Read More
We’ve all made decisions that have lead us to disappointment and to regret upon our actions. In our generation, many of our regrets has something to do with letting our guard down and trusting somebody enough to cross personal boundaries that you usually don’t allow for those around you to cross. If you’ve ever felt ... Read More
Almost two years ago, I was close to being married to an awful person and live my life in a dreadful marriage. It was the summer of my sophomore year of college. I had just found out that a guy from the MSA (so cliché!) was interested in me and wanted to approach my father ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am a 15 year old girl in the US. I go to one of the best high schools in the country, I am a good student, I get good grades, and people regularly tell me that I am good at so much and that I have so much potential. I always put ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I have a sister who has a great deal of potential, but for some reason, she fails to view herself the way I do. She’s finished high school and since then has taken a break. I’d like to see her reach for something more, because I know she can do anything she sets ... Read More
A few years ago, my friends and I were playing this questions game. Someone asked a question about if we had ever been molested. Every.single.hand.went.up. Did you know that most girls know their attacker? That they supress it because they’re confused and can’t talk to anyone? That was me. For months, I used to have ... Read More
I am one soul in a world filled with many. Nonetheless my story is not rare or uncommon. Its a catastrophe seen in many lives. Therefore while I may be merely one soul in this world full of millions, I’m certain I speak for the multitude. I grew up in America. I’m the daughter of ... Read More
Ya Allah! I need you back in my life! Mom, I need you back in my life! I know you’re trying your best to be there, but I need you to be the woman and mom you were when I was growing up. All the strength and confidence and happiness and contentment I have deep ... Read More
Muslim Youth Musings is a literary magazine committed to inspiring the Ummah through quality Islamic literature authored by Muslim youth across the world.
Asian/ Pacific Islander Domestic Violence Resource Project (DVRP) is a non-hierarchical organization, comprised of women and men who are committed to ending domestic violence in the A/PI community in the DC area.