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Teen daughter ran away to be trans

Teen daughter ran away to be trans

Thank you for submitting your post to Stones to Bridges! We pray you will find the responses below beneficial. If you find these responses helpful, we’d love for you to share what you appreciated, and how you feel it might help you moving forward in the comments section below! Response from a “Fatima Counselor”: Assalamualaikum ... Read More
Stuck in haram behaviors and influences

Stuck in haram behaviors and influences

I am 15, female, living in the united states, in a non-Muslim household. I reverted around 14, without my parents knowing, because they are Islamophobic. I don’t know what to do, I’m surrounded by haram influences, and feel that I am displeasing Allah. I’m in a haram relationship, have committed zina, and don’t see a ... Read More
My mother committed Zina, and my father would like me to treat my mother the same despite this.

My mother committed Zina, and my father would like me to treat my mother the same despite this.

Salamu Alaikum. I’m a 15 year old Pakistani male living in the United States. My family is semi-religious, we dont pray as much as we should, but we’re very close to our Islamic values and adhere to almost all Islamic laws. We fast during Ramadan, we give zakaat and sadaqa, and we’ve gone for Umrah ... Read More
Seeking non judgmental comments and help

Seeking non judgmental comments and help

Salam I’m 25 F , as long as I remember , I had moments of intense sadness from when I was roughly 15. I have strong family history of mental illness severe ones in fact and the first time I got diagnosed with an illness called dysthymia was sometime in 2020. I was in disbelief ... Read More
Difficulty in supporting my son through his anxiety

Difficulty in supporting my son through his anxiety 

ASA – My son is 13 years old. He is struggling with anxiety, no desire to go to school or follow his daily routine at home. we believe his struggles are related to self-esteem, self-confidence, and how to manage/ deal with bullying in school. it’s affecting our relationship with him and trust to share his ... Read More
Extreme grief in life

Extreme grief in life

I am currently 19, and a female. So my life has always been very tough. My parents are both doctors, so they have always been very busy with their work, so it was just me and my brother alone at home at 8 my brother started coaching so I used to be at home alone ... Read More
Anxiety, overthinking, worry about mom, unable to understand my studies

Anxiety, overthinking, worry about mom, unable to understand my studies

I have noticed several signs in myself that concern me, and I would like your guidance. I tend to overthink and worry excessively, particularly about how to help my mom. I often feel like I’m unable to understand what I’m learning; it takes me a long time to grasp concepts when reading. I also find ... Read More