Dear Fatima, I’m an 18 year old girl. I have posted before i’m still struggling with my cousin. She is 4 years older, came to the country a year ago from India. She keeps telling me to set boundaries and so we have; for the sake of damage control. I don’t text her/call when she ... Read More
I am a female in my mid twenties. I want to like knowledge and activities. I have no interest in anything really.. Even if it’s as simple as reading an article. I don’t do anything. I always feel very fatigued to do anything so I feel like a potato always. Don’t really know what help ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I have a huge problem. I have been trying my best to keep busy with things. I have been trying to keep myself busy with anything I can from writing activities to signing up for volunteering position over this winter break. But the ONLY thing that keeps crossing my mind is how many ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I don’t know how to put it more simply than saying I feel depressed. I don’t know why but I am becoming a very bitter person day by day. I have posted on here before, I was going through a lot of pain until people reached out and helped Alhamdulillah. However, with all ... Read More
I am almost 19 years old, and a freshman in college. A few months ago, I had a marriage proposal, and the man is still interested. I have told him many items that I am not ready for marriage, but I wonder whether I am making a mistake by not giving the opportunity a chance. ... Read More
I know people don’t start questioning everything until they reached a mature enough age. Until they were considered to be an “adult”. It’s gotten to the point where I stopped praying. I go to an Islamic school that has no morals. If you really knew me…
I always keep coming back here whenever I need someone to talk to. I’d like to thank to everyone in here, who never know me outside but know the deepest secret of my life. When I learn about this website, I know this is one of His many ways to help me..through here, through you.. alhamdulillah.. I posted many ... Read More
Salaam wa alaikum, I’m ruining my life by living in my head. During sophomore year i switched to a new school and was bullied and suffered from extremely low self-esteem. I wore hijab which got me noticed more and not in a good way. Although there was nice people my awkwardness ruined any possible friendships. ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Slmz I just received this msg from a friend of mine and he wants me to toward it to a helpline. He is known around the town as being pious and Allah fearing. He doesn’t own a phone so he can not send it himself. In South Africa I am unaware of an ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I read about deadly sins that doom a person to hell. Shirk, murder, practice magic, adultery and so on. How about rape or molest or abuse? How about the pedophile out there? How about people who are responsible for the mess I have to deal right now? Of me being afraid of marriage. Of ... Read More