Dear Fatima, Ramadan is here and I am trying to make the best of it insha’Allah. But I can’t help this feeling of hopelessness I have. Everybody is a sinner, but I feel like I am absolutely horrible. I used to be a good muslim girl, but I messed up recently. There are a lot ... Read More
Click below to see original article in The Fountain Magazine: Compatibility of Modern Psychology and Muslims By Sumeyra Tosun “Surely God changes not the conditions of a people, unless they change what is with their selves.” Qur’an (13:11) In the twentieth century, like other religious communities around the world, Muslims had to come to a ... Read More
Dear Fatima,I hope you receive this message in good spirits. I myself am getting ready to take a slew of finals in the next couple of weeks — no fun! Insha’Allah, I hope that God gifts me with the tenacity and perseverance to finish off this semester strongly. The impetus behind my post is to ... Read More
IFYC is an interfaith youth movement–Why do so many stories about religion these days feature young people fighting in the name of God? Why isn’t there a huge movement of young people from different faiths working together to apply the core value of all faiths – service to others? The answer came to them in ... Read More