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Fasting and mental health/Abusive toxic mother

Fasting and mental health/Abusive toxic mother

“Assalamualaikum 21F I’m not fasting during Ramadan this year. I never thought I’d reach a point where my mental health would stop me from observing it. I struggle with depression and CPTSD, and I’ve been struggling since I was 12. I managed to fast for the first five days, but on the sixth, I had ... Read More
Seeking Guidance and Support: Struggling with Abuse, Trauma, and Seeking Spiritual Healing (3)

Seeking Guidance and Support: Struggling with Abuse, Trauma, and Seeking Spiritual Healing (3)

I’m feeling incredibly lost. I know that life is an obligation towards Allah’s cause (fi sabilillah), but, oh God, the trials are so painful and burdensome. I can’t imagine living without being on His path, but honestly, I’m traumatized by the severe tests I face while on this path. It’s not because of the choices ... Read More
Seeking Guidance and Support: Struggling with Abuse, Trauma, and Seeking Spiritual Healing (2)

Seeking Guidance and Support: Struggling with Abuse, Trauma, and Seeking Spiritual Healing (2)

As-salamu alaykum everyone, I find myself in a place of gratitude for the progress I’ve made in my journey towards healing and recovery, yet I can’t shake this persistent feeling of dissatisfaction. Despite knowing that I’ve been putting in more effort and making positive changes compared to before, I still feel far from content and ... Read More
My Muslim dad has a stroke that is getting a lot worse and absolutely refuses to receive any medical intervention.

My Muslim dad has a stroke that is getting a lot worse and absolutely refuses to receive any medical intervention.

His vision is getting worse, his speech is getting slurred, he is falling a lot lately, and his body is very weak. At first, the stroke was only numbness, but as the months pass, he is getting worse and worse, not to mention he refuses to stop smoking. He is living with me in the ... Read More
My mom hates me

My mom hates me

Dear Fatima, Assalamualaikum. Hope you are well. I am 25 years old. I have one older sister and one younger brother. From the get go, I’ve always felt out of place in my home. Like I don’t belong here. I never had a close relationship to either of my parents. My mom has always seen ... Read More
is it really that serious tho

is it really that serious tho

salaam, im 13 and just gonna do a vent post but honestly and idek where to start. but I’m pretty sure it did when my parents got a divorce and then just went downhill from there. it was like febuary 28th/march 1st 2017 and I was only 8 and I just tie that day to ... Read More