For years I have been struggling with pornography addiction, since I was 13 years old. I have tried so many times to quit and did not succeed any of the times, to the point that I feel so hopeless that any time I read advice about how to quit I feel “it doesn’t matter, this ... Read More
I am 15, female, living in the united states, in a non-Muslim household. I reverted around 14, without my parents knowing, because they are Islamophobic. I don’t know what to do, I’m surrounded by haram influences, and feel that I am displeasing Allah. I’m in a haram relationship, have committed zina, and don’t see a ... Read More
“17 year old , girl, Pakistani, college student. am 17 year old, fighting through suicidal thoughts all the time. I have planned many suicide attempts since childhood but was never that serious and committed on doing it. Some days ago , I really gave up , wrote goodbye letters to my closest ones, offered salat ... Read More
Ok I was very stupid when I was 10 but I can’t change the past. Let’s go (Reminder, I STILL have not gotten help) I was an overachiever, straight A student, good at swimming, did a little archery. Even when I was younger, I think I was battling low self-esteem. I think in my mind, ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Have you ever experienced the feeling of driving passenger in your own life and watching it go by like lights while driving on the highway. Well, thats how I feel every day to constantly replaying the worst times of my life and always wondering what and why did I go down that path. ... Read More
My wife and I just got married and it’s been 11 months. However, I have been secretly dealing with a nicotine/vaping addiction and it’s been extremely hard to quit. I am afraid to tell her for what she might say, and if our marriage will be in jeapordy. But I am also afraid that if ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Salam Alaykum, I massively need Du’a from my fellow brothers and sisters. I’ve been trying to abstain from porn for almost a year now but I always find myself falling back. I pray my five daily prayers and I always seek Allah’s help. The longest streak I was able to achieve was 21 ... Read More
Salam Alaykum, I massively need Du’a from my fellow brothers and sisters. I’ve been trying to abstain from porn for almost a year now but I always find myself falling back. I pray my five daily prayers and I always seek Allah’s help. The longest streak I was able to achieve was 21 days and ... Read More
Am born a muslim… i have commited this sin for almost for years now let say every week once (zina) But that never stop me from praying my daily prayers and fasting during ramadan… I have called out to Allah all the time to protect me from it… but anytime i pray for forgiveness and ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m a nineteen year old girl in college. I feel chained to a cycle of addiction in the form of masturbation and I sometimes hate myself for it. I know the triggers of it are going to sleep late and primarily looking at my phone in bed, but even when I try to ... Read More