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Many of you have made amazing impacts in the lives of our users by commenting on their posts, helping them through their toughest struggles.  These are the “best-of”.


“Do you know some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood suffer from feeling outcasted and lonely.”

You’re not the only one- there are many who suffer the same feelings of loneliness. Do you know some of the biggest celebrities in Hollywood suffer from feeling outcasted and lonely. Can you imagine them feeling that way with their glitz, glamour and busy lives? So why not regular people like us?I want to tell ... Read More

“Instead of hating on them…THANK them.”

Are you from Pakistani/Indian subcontinent? Because I tell ya- those brown parents take some sort of secret courses to be their own child’s best critics. You know what though? Instead of hating on them…THANK them. They are preparing you for the world (and they may not even know it). Yes, parents should be a source ... Read More

“A few years from today you will thank yourself for not falling into the trap of relationships.”

Hi Sweetheart-When I was 16 and all my friends were in the same age range…we all “fell in love” with someone or another. It was intense, it hurt, we cried, we felt so hopeless and sad. When we got into our 20′s one day and sat down, the topic came up of what the one ... Read More

“it’s easy to be mean to yourself and judge yourself because of the way you feel, but that isn’t fair to you”

Salaam Sister, I want to commend you for reaching out about this, it had to take a lot of courage! I think it is natural to be curious about sexuality and bodies, especially when you’re young. It’s all new and different. I would give yourself a little bit of slack, I don’t think you’re a ... Read More

“We are all here for you. We are a team and we support each other.”

“Salaam Walekum sister, I know times like this may be really rough for you and I understand how it feels. For me, it was always with my mom, may Allah bless her. I would always get into fights with her (and it still get shaky sometimes even now) and I have slowly come to realize ... Read More

“You are brave. You are beautiful You are worthy of love.”

“You are brave. You are beautiful You are worthy of love. I’m so proud of you for sharing this — it is not easy to talk about. But talking about it and seeking help is the first step towards learning tools on how to deal with trials in life. Please remember — i have not ... Read More

Sweetie don’t contemplate suicide- your worth is far too precious

Sweetheart, your short but direct posting made my heart ache. I can’t imagine the emotional distress you must go through. Like Sister Fatima said, had there been more details- the advice could have been more specific. But like her, I will speak in general: I hope you have someone you can reach out to- a ... Read More

“I thought all there was to life was being like someone else. Truth is, everything you could ever need is within you.”

“I thought all there was to life was being like someone else. Truth is, everything you could ever need is within you. I started acknowledging all the strength and courage I possessed. I started to pray to God and acknowledged the connection I felt. I turned life around for the better and told myself, I am ... Read More

“We cannot let this event take away our right of living a good life”

Salaams Sister, I think it is very brave of you to reach out and describe what you have gone thru. I know this because I can relate. I was sexually molested for about 5 years and this also started at an early age of 5-6. I was molested by my Father’s brother. What is worse ... Read More