Dear Fatima

What’s your struggle?  What stones has life thrown your way? Everyone has them- problems that constantly linger on your mind and you just don’t know what to do about them.  At Stones to Bridges, we believe that everyone should have a place to unwind and address what’s on their mind. It's time to take those stones and build your bridge.

Anonymously ask “Fatima”, our seasoned team of Professional Muslim Counselors, both male and female, for their thoughts and insight. Ask Fatima about anything on your mind – school, family, love, sadness, abuse and anything else!  Sometimes an objective perspective and fresh mind can do you good.

Click here to submit your struggle and anonymously ask “Fatima” anything that's on your mind.

We are here to help you help yourself! “Fatima” will respond to your question; however, if you would like us to connect you with a therapist or counselor in your area, please click here to send us your contact information.



I am struggling with my teenage son. He has always been such a smart child. He’s always been against anything that goes against our religion. But last year I faced a nightmare when I discovered that my boy is having conversations with friends telling them that he’s bisexual (he’s never had sexual relationships). His dad ... Read More

Am the biggest Muslim sinner

Am born a muslim… i have commited this sin for almost for years now let say every week once (zina) But that never stop me from praying my daily prayers and fasting during ramadan… I have called out to Allah all the time to protect me from it… but anytime i pray for forgiveness and ... Read More