Dear Fatima

What’s your struggle?  What stones has life thrown your way? Everyone has them- problems that constantly linger on your mind and you just don’t know what to do about them.  At Stones to Bridges, we believe that everyone should have a place to unwind and address what’s on their mind. It's time to take those stones and build your bridge.

Anonymously ask “Fatima”, our seasoned team of Professional Muslim Counselors, both male and female, for their thoughts and insight. Ask Fatima about anything on your mind – school, family, love, sadness, abuse and anything else!  Sometimes an objective perspective and fresh mind can do you good.

Click here to submit your struggle and anonymously ask “Fatima” anything that's on your mind.

We are here to help you help yourself! “Fatima” will respond to your question; however, if you would like us to connect you with a therapist or counselor in your area, please click here to send us your contact information.



Dear Fatima, I am a 15 year old girl. I know how important family is in Islam, and how important it is to be friends with your siblings. I have a younger sister, who I’m close to and have a good relationship with. However, I have an older, 18 year old brother who I’ve hated ... Read More

Struggle for Faith

Dear Fatima, I have always believed in God, I have always believed in my religion. Before last year, my belief was strong and my heart clear of doubts. I am a science nerd, and I have always managed to see Allah’s beauty in science and the mysteries of the natural world. In June of 2011, ... Read More
Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

Well i’m 14 years old and i live in maryland and theres this guy and hes 16..i’ve known him for like all my life..and we’ve started having a serious relationship and secretly meeting each other for one year. But he moved to Pennsylvania and is only 4 hours away from me. He visits here sometimes ... Read More
Self- Harm

Self- Harm

Dear Fatima, Salaam Walekum. I used to have a friend who used to cut all the time back in high school. My friend had even tried overdosing at times and would not show up at school for weeks at a time. We were really close and my friend used to confide in me a lot. ... Read More
Usual Teen Stuff

Usual Teen Stuff

Dear Fatima, Well i live in houston & as any other young teen i go to school, visits places outsode of school. well i have deveoloed a crush. knowing im a muslim i tried to not to take any action toward him. but i didnt, i have a facebook abs i talked to him a ... Read More
Indecisive Student

Indecisive Student

Dear Fatima, What would be a smart thing to major in college? ============================================================= Dear Indecisive student, Well, that depends upon what you mean when you say “smart.” Do you mean a major that will offer you a lucrative job? Or do you mean a major that will fulfill you? In either case, my response is ... Read More
Marriage Issue

Marriage Issue

Dear Fatima, When thinking of marriage there are certain qualities to consider in your spouse. Of them include their education, if they can support you financially, how strong their faith and religion is, and their personality. But another major thing people do consider is their looks, whether they find them attractive or not. What if ... Read More
My Father

My Father

Dearest Sister Fatima, I wanted to get some advice on an issue that has been bothering me as of late. I know in our religion, we say that marriage is “half of our deen.” However, my experience of witnessing my parents marriage has left me scarred. My beautiful mother went abroad to Bangladesh to get ... Read More