Dear Fatima

What’s your struggle?  What stones has life thrown your way? Everyone has them- problems that constantly linger on your mind and you just don’t know what to do about them.  At Stones to Bridges, we believe that everyone should have a place to unwind and address what’s on their mind. It's time to take those stones and build your bridge.

Anonymously ask “Fatima”, our seasoned team of Professional Muslim Counselors, both male and female, for their thoughts and insight. Ask Fatima about anything on your mind – school, family, love, sadness, abuse and anything else!  Sometimes an objective perspective and fresh mind can do you good.

Click here to submit your struggle and anonymously ask “Fatima” anything that's on your mind.

We are here to help you help yourself! “Fatima” will respond to your question; however, if you would like us to connect you with a therapist or counselor in your area, please click here to send us your contact information.

The repetitive cycle of hurt

The repetitive cycle of hurt

Dear Fatima, Asalamu aleykum, I hope this message reaches you well. I have been struggling with heartbreak for nearly 5 years. Backdrop to the story I grew up in a very emotionally unstable home. My father was and is emotionally abusive. Hence, at a very tender age I began to seek love from other men. ... Read More
Confusing attractions

Confusing attractions

Dear Fatima, Assalammualaikum, I’m Dee, 24 yo guy from Malaysia, borned  as a Muslim, doing my best everyday to be a better Muslim. Although being brought up in an Islam environment, with parents that are encouraging to embrace the way of life Islam brings, I have a problem with attractions towards others. No matter how ... Read More
College problems

College problems

Dear Fatima, im a 20 year old girl in my third year of college and I’m going through a lot of problems with my roommate. She does not want to get to know me during these first few days since we moved in. Yes, sitting on your phone and messaging all day is fine and ... Read More
Two Worlds

Two Worlds

I have three issues I would like to resolve, or at least receive some input on: I am a twenty-one year old Muslima who was born to a Hispanic mother, but raised by an Arab mother whom I consider my mom, and my father is Arab as well. My family life has always been amazing ... Read More
Don’t have any friends

Don’t have any friends

Dear Fatima, I’m a 19 year old girl. I want to make Allah my best friend so this Ramadan and even now i’m really striving to keep myself close to Him. However, I cannot stop thinking about how crazy my life is right now with zero friends. First of all, my friends group that I ... Read More