Archive For: Personal Stories

Seeking Guidance and Support: Struggling with Abuse, Trauma, and Seeking Spiritual Healing (3)

Seeking Guidance and Support: Struggling with Abuse, Trauma, and Seeking Spiritual Healing (3)

I’m feeling incredibly lost. I know that life is an obligation towards Allah’s cause (fi sabilillah), but, oh God, the trials are so painful and burdensome. I can’t imagine living without being on His path, but honestly, I’m traumatized by the severe tests I face while on this path. It’s not because of the choices ... Read More
Please help

Please help

  “I need help dealing with my mother and her toxicity but just don’t know how.” ==== The sister also submitted the following post, which one of our “Fatima” counselors will be providing a response to soon.  This information below is being provided since the sister has given additional context regarding her post above.  Please ... Read More
Struggle and Bad Everywhere

Struggle and Bad Everywhere

Salam everyone. I’m struggling with a hard time in my life. I’m a teenager and I feel like everything is coming out at once, every obstacle. For one thing, my parents fight every night, then they fight with me, etc. My mother shouts everyday for no reason at all, maybe a dirty dish here and ... Read More


Sometimes we grow blind to the horror of our own experiences because we survived them. We no longer feel them. We become muted to our own torture. Yet when we share these abuses with others, their reactions are surprising. We are amazed that anyone could consider our trials to have been horrific. We are shocked when ... Read More

The little girl who survives..

 There was a girl when she was like 5 or 6, she was wronged by her neighbour who was so kind to her family.. his age was about her fathers age. For so many evenings or noon, he lured her to some quiet place sometimes in his house and did his disgusting thing to her . ... Read More
Personal Reflection: Why can’t I just break out?

Personal Reflection: Why can’t I just break out?

I have been dealing with depression and aniety my entire life. I started noticing signs of ocd when I was 8 years old but didnt realize what was wrong with me,and since I have parents who were too busy to pay attention I realized for myself why I had to repeat things over and over ... Read More