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Archive For: Personal Reflections

“I saw you talking about how much of an inspiration she was to you and how she helped you to take your wig off”

Wow, your video is so inspiring. I saw you on Demi’s documentary on MTV, I actually teared up when I saw you talking about how much of an inspiration she was to you and how she helped you to take your wig off. It was also amazing to see how much you moved demi, you ... Read More

“It is through struggle we really learn to become better people”

Dear sister or brother, Know that you are not alone in this struggle. Many people go through such hard difficulties (as yourself), and I find these people to be the most beautiful. Because it is through struggle we really learn to become better people. You are not a loser. The fact that you haven’t cut ... Read More
Why can’t I just break out?

Why can’t I just break out?

I have been dealing with depression and aniety my entire life. I started noticing signs of ocd when I was 8 years old but didnt realize what was wrong with me,and since I have parents who were too busy to pay attention I realized for myself why I had to repeat things over and over ... Read More

“You were created for Jannah, not Hell, and as long as you strive with SINCERE INTENTION, your actions may falter and slip, but Allah judges your heart, not your outward”

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Asalamu alaikum sister, I am a brother the same as you who struggled with suicide and depression for the majority of his life. While I understand how painful it is to be surrounded in a world of darkness struggling to the see the light, have a good opinion of Allah and KNOW ... Read More

Insightful Quotes

— Though roses and lillies and tulips are each beautiful on their own, the most beautiful of gardens is the most diverse.  May we always see the beauty in diversity, knowing the best in the garden of humanity is where we all come together happily with our different appearances, beliefs, and personalities. — Though it ... Read More
Life is hard…and Wonderful

Life is hard…and Wonderful

You don’t yet know what wonderful gifts you have to give. All those people around you that look so together are not. You have only begun life as an adult with the power to choose. We all make bad choices on occasion. Sometimes even in the name of faith. The pain of feeling like you ... Read More
Culture of Addiction

Culture of Addiction

Loving one person and being loved by that person is the most important thing for your happiness, or even life. We hear this everyday. We see this everywhere, so regularly that the thought begins to come to us without our even being aware of it. And it’s so hard to escape this concept when you’re ... Read More
Watering a Plant Too Much

Watering a Plant Too Much

Just as watering a plant too much or too little kills it, when we push something too much or don’t give it our best in life, we kill its potential.  May Allah always bless us to give our best and leave the rest to Him, trusting He will bring everything in life to its full ... Read More