Dear Fatima, I feel that I am at a pivotal stage in life right now, but I am so conflicted. I am a 24-year-old woman, turning 25 in about 4-5 months. Finding the right partner and getting married (and eventually planning a family) are high on my list of priorities. In fact, these have been ... Read More
I am currently 19, and a female. So my life has always been very tough. My parents are both doctors, so they have always been very busy with their work, so it was just me and my brother alone at home at 8 my brother started coaching so I used to be at home alone ... Read More
I have noticed several signs in myself that concern me, and I would like your guidance. I tend to overthink and worry excessively, particularly about how to help my mom. I often feel like I’m unable to understand what I’m learning; it takes me a long time to grasp concepts when reading. I also find ... Read More
I’m almost 20 and my parents have been married for 21 years. My mom has always been a religious person and my dad has been on and off. They decided to get divorced but islamically and we ended up moving to another state from my dad. After 5 years, he decided he wanted her back ... Read More
21, male, comes from a Pakistani Muslim family in Canada My mom and older sister have told me that I have to cut ties with the people who I’m friends with that are girls but I can’t and I don’t know how to deal with this with them. The female friends I have mean a ... Read More
My cat died recently. I frequently prayed for him to recover, but sometimes I wondered as I was praying if it would be better if he died (cos he would stop suffering and we’d stop having to worry about him). I never ever prayed for him to die, but I’m scared that maybe when I ... Read More
Assalamualaikum I am a 16 year old male teenager, I have recently learned many of the things I do throughout the day such as watching tv shows is haram. Now I get extremely bored and don’t have money friends to play with. How should I fill my day as a Muslim Response from a “Fatima ... Read More
Assalam Alaykum, I’m not sure who to ask, but I’m young F18 and a brother asked my father for my hand 18 as well, to not fall into haram, and my father agreed and acknowledged that this brother would not be able to support me right away, and he is okay with supporting me until ... Read More
I am a 16yo male had a fantasy last night and masturbated(| mean I didn’t touch myself but it leaked) while was asleep after suhur is my fast valid? Response from a “Fatima Counselor”: As Salaam Alaikum, thank you for reaching out. AllahuAllam, may Allah forgive me for my shortcomings and misunderstandings, but it is ... Read More
So i like a guy thinking he was muslim (he is born in a muslim family) and then realized he is not religious. He only revealed that when i asked him to marry me, and i was already in love. He is one of my close friends. But he promised me that our children will ... Read More