Dear Fatima, I have a sister who has a great deal of potential, but for some reason, she fails to view herself the way I do. She’s finished high school and since then has taken a break. I’d like to see her reach for something more, because I know she can do anything she sets ... Read More
Dear Fatima, There’s this boy that I am head over heels for. He is so beautiful and funny. He is unlike anyone I have ever met before and I really like him. However, I hear many people tell me to stay away from him and that he’s bad news. I want him to be with ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m almost 18 years old and I have never been kissed, never had a boyfriend, and I have never been on a date. It is mostly because of my faith. There have been many guys who have been interested in me but I’ve refused them. However, growing up in America and being a ... Read More