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Archive For: Dear Fatima

In a bind

In a bind

Dear Fatima, I’m so confused and feel stuck!  I’ve been friends with this guy for a couple years now.  We actually are just friends, but very much like best friends.  He’s never tried getting physically close to me.  I feel like he really cares about me and makes me feel like I am important. What ... Read More
Is there something wrong with wanting a man who takes financial responsibility in a marriage?

Is there something wrong with wanting a man who takes financial responsibility in a marriage?

Dear Fatima, I’m a female in my late 20s and Alhamdulillah, I’ve be blessed with a successful and financially stable career; however, when it comes to marriage and finding a spouse, I feel I’d like a man who sees himself as financially responsible for the family, where I’d be happy living in whatever means he ... Read More


Dear Fatima, I am 23 year old female. I used to like this brother (brother A) for a very long time, and discussed him as a potential spouse with a religious figure in my community. It amounted to nothing because I knew the brother wasn’t ready for marriage (which was confirmed after the person I ... Read More


Dear Fatima, I have been having trouble for the past couple of months with sexual urges. I am single female, have never had a boyfriend and the farthest I have ever gotten with a boy is a hug, and that was a friend..not even a boy I was interested it, ( and sorry I know ... Read More


Dear Fatima, Assalamu Aalaikum, I’m a 23 year old female and I’m having a difficult time with materialism. This materialism is making me a very jealous and envious person. When I see the success some of my friends have, whether earned on their own or even just by marrying into wealth, I feel envy and ... Read More