Dear Fatima, I’m a 17 year old girl going through a period of extreme anxiety. I have been taking medication for 2-3 years because I have ADD and it is supposed to make me concentrate better. My parents don’t force me to take it but they always give it to me every morning and when ... Read More
Dear Fatima, my mom keeps on pushing me putting pressure on me and i have got enough with her shes always yelling hitting me embarrassing me in front of everyone what should i do to make myself feel better and not try to commit suicide =============================================================== As salaamu alaykum What you are describing sounds like ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Salam. I have become confused as to whether Islam is the true religion of God, or whether Christianity is the true religion all along and Islam is spread as some type of lie. I have read and watched many youtube videos of how a Muslim or a Christian temporarily died and saw the ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Hi. I’m currently 17 years old, almost 18. I come from a traditionally conservative Iranian family. When I was 15 years old, almost two years go, I became friends with a guy on my Cross Country team. I had been on the team with him the year before that, but we had never ... Read More
Dear Fatima, Asslamualaikum, this is the first time I’m posting on this website. This is the first time I’m writing about what I’m feeling. A little about my self, I am a Male, I am 20, I attend college, I am on the hinges of dropping out and doing nothing for the rest of my ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m so confused and feel stuck! I’ve been friends with this guy for a couple years now. We actually are just friends, but very much like best friends. He’s never tried getting physically close to me. I feel like he really cares about me and makes me feel like I am important. What ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I’m a female in my late 20s and Alhamdulillah, I’ve be blessed with a successful and financially stable career; however, when it comes to marriage and finding a spouse, I feel I’d like a man who sees himself as financially responsible for the family, where I’d be happy living in whatever means he ... Read More
dear fatima hello, I am here to ask for help i am 14,male and i am half Arab and half american i always loved Islam and i always wanted to be close to Allah but one of my problems is that i cant get myself to pray i do not know why i mean sometimes ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I am 23 year old female. I used to like this brother (brother A) for a very long time, and discussed him as a potential spouse with a religious figure in my community. It amounted to nothing because I knew the brother wasn’t ready for marriage (which was confirmed after the person I ... Read More
Dear Fatima, I have been having trouble for the past couple of months with sexual urges. I am single female, have never had a boyfriend and the farthest I have ever gotten with a boy is a hug, and that was a friend..not even a boy I was interested it, ( and sorry I know ... Read More