Female friendships just seem really awful. I see girls betraying each other all the time, and my friends do not support me when I need them, whilst I am always doing my best to be there for them. I feel like I am doing all the work in all my friendships. When I ask my friends to come with me to the school’s café during our shared study periods, they say no, but when they ask me, I say yes. And, sometimes they do actually go during the studies when they say no to me, if another friend asks them. And they leave me with barely any explanation to go join their other friends, and they never leave their friends to join me. And it’s just really awful for me, because I have very severe anxiety and some paranoia as well, so even just going to that café is genuinely scary for me. And in the big things as well: They tell me it’s my fault I got into trouble for supporting Palestine at school. Of course it’s my fault, but what I did wasn’t wrong. But they refuse to support me. And this is a weird example, but if I ask them to wrestle with me (in private of course, not in front of anyone), it’s always an absolute no. Like, even if I invite them to my house, they won’t do it. I know this is a weird example, but it’s something I’m very interested in, and friends are supposed to at least pretend to care about your interests. But they even ignore me after ASKING me to tell them the plots of the books I’m writing.
I never see guys having these issues. I overhear girls complaining about their friends to each other all the time. I never hear guys doing this, except when all their friends are girls. Is it just a feminine thing to be a rubbish friend?
And I also have only ever seen guys who are passionate about my greatest passion: politics. I have never met a girl who cares anywhere near as much as I do. But I have overheard two guys in particular talking to each other about this stuff at school, and they even have views that are SUPER similar to mine. One of them is a really good kid; he’s nice, well-mannered, respectful. And honestly, I feel, like, a friendship attraction to him, if that makes sense? I don’t have any kind of romantic/sexual feelings for him, I literally just want to be his friend, because he’s nice and shares my political views (i.e. we would be able to have great conversations). I mean, the fact that he’s aware of politics in the first place is a big achievement in the country I live in. Also, he’s from a country I’m very interested in, so that’s also cool to me because I would be able to hear first-hand things about that country from him and probably learn a lot about it. But I obviously can’t be friends with him, because that’s haram.
It’s just agonising to know that people I would actually like to be friends with do exist, but I can never be friends with them because they are all guys. I feel like I’d be better off in terms of my friendships if I was a guy.
And the school counsellor told me to find communities on the Internet to express myself, but it’s not the same. I can type up many eloquent paragraphs about how great Cuba is, but sometimes… I want to actually SPEAK to people. I want MY VOICE to be heard and I want to HEAR someone’s voice in response. I want to be able to discuss things using props and hand gestures and facial expressions. And I can’t do that with my friends because they don’t actually care, not just not about my passions, but also not about ME. And no woman has ever come across like she would care about the things I have to say, to me. But guys do. I can literally imagine having animated conversations about the Soviet Union with that nice kid I mentioned earlier, even though I have never actually spoken to him, but I cannot imagine having these conversations with any female I know because I am the only one who will be animated, whilst they will just sit there nodding blankly and thinking I’m weird for caring about politics when this is literally me trying to stop innocent people from dying. My Economics teachers (both men) let me speak (sometimes), and they seem to actually want to have these discussions with me, and my own mother does not.