Extreme grief in life

Extreme grief in life

I am currently 19, and a female. So my life has always been very tough. My parents are both doctors, so they have always been very busy with their work, so it was just me and my brother alone at home at 8 my brother started coaching so I used to be at home alone all day. So I did not see my father for months and barely saw my mother. This made my childhood pretty tough and this I feel is child negligence and is reflected in my life now, as it is difficult for me to socialise, and speak publicly, I get awkward easily, and I cannot talk to boys properly basically I have social anxiety. Then due to my mother’s negligence, I was left alone at home with my music teacher who raped me at 10 taking advantage of my innocence, however, I had some ideas but could not rebel or speak up due to my social anxiety. At that time I wanted to kill myself but I took up the courage and revealed it to my mother who got her fired. But my justice was not served, she was still roaming free, she should have been behind bars, why didn’t my mother go to the police? is it because of what the society will say?? Then people at my school didn’t help me much too, since I had social anxiety I couldn’t be extroverted or ‘popular’ as they say so yeah I lost a lot of opportunities because of that and they treated me shit. Then after the rape incident, it had a huge impact on my mind and I started watching bad stuff on the internet. And this continues till now, but less, but still did not fully stop it but one-day insha Allah I will stop this. Then I started becoming pretty insecure because of my acne and body weight since I have PCOS. My body hurts after doing some work and I am always on the phone. Fast forward to graduating high school, I wanted to become a doctor. It was my dream. It was my parent’s dream. I always wanted to make my parents proud and never wanted them to be unhappy because of me. I got admitted to one in Malaysia, but I planned to shift to Australia afterwards there was no guarantee that an international student like me would be able to intern in Australia so I did not take the risk, as my mother and father do not have that much money to waste on me. I would not even want them to waste that amount of money on me by let’s say I have graduated but I can’t intern anymore then it will be completely wasted. So I didn’t attend that school which shattered my dream and life and I fell into depression completely. It was my parent’s dream too and they are so sad I didn’t become a doctor. I didn’t even take physics at A levels that I could study medicine in Bangladesh and I regret this a lot. So it took me quite a few months, to stand up, and recover from depression and I started applying to US universities. So after all my offer letters and everything was here, I booked my visa appointment with a lot of difficulty but due to the ongoing protest in Bangladesh my interview got cancelled 3 times. Now my mother is so upset because of me. I always wanted my mother to have a good life because of me but she is losing so much money because of me and my bad luck. I hate wasting her money. She works so hard for it and because of me, it is getting wasted. I remember how much struggle my mother went through to raise me and my brother. I want to give it back to her. I started earning when I was 16 so that I could pay for my miscellaneous needs which would help her out a bit. I give her gifts every year on Mother’s Day and on her birthday to make her happy. But now she is so worried because of me. I hate it. She had such a difficult time raising us because of my father who never gave us any financial assistance so it was always on her. Then I also tried for one Canadian university but my visa was refused too. And recently I had applied for a job but again I got rejected. Every one of my friends has left for university except me, I feel so behind, so stuck. Now I am applying for spring 2025 but I am so scared of the future. I want a full scholarship this time so that I am not a burden on my parents anymore. I contacted this agency but my mother warned me about it being a scam now I am so scared because I have given my documents to them and now they can probably blackmail me about it or misuse it. This is probably me overthinking. IM SOO scared OF THE FUTURE. I am scared that things might go wrong AGAIN. AGAIN I can get my visa refused or my interview date will be cancelled or something BAD will happen. All of my anxiety, overthinking, and depression stem from my experience because I knew I was not like this in my childhood. As time passes my life keeps getting more tough and hard. I have done some bad things as I laughed at others’ grades with my friends which I am ashamed of but it seemed from the bad treatment they gave me throughout these 12 years. I did not intentionally do this but I had a tutor who was asking 12k taka for teaching me whereas most of the days she did not come but asked for the entire month’s money, so I said I would pay her 5k instead, but due to my ongoing depression I could not so she left the country and texted me a lot but I didn’t see anyone’s text at that time except my mothers and 3 of my friends for manyy months so she said Allah will see to my actions but it is not like I didn’t want to pay her but I just could not do anything due to my depression and I also did not want to waste my mother’s money again because of me so it is not intentional and my heart is clean but somehow I feel so guilty but later I texted her and told her that I will pay her from my earnings but she didn’t reply to this day so I didn’t pay without her approval and sometimes I get angry at my mother as she gets worried and tensed which inflicts on me and later I regret shouting on her. But I have been repenting and asked Allah to forgive me for these acts. It’s not like I do not pray. I try to read the Quran daily with meaning, do dhikr daily, do istighfar daily, try to read all 5 waqt namaz, then try to read 12 rakat tahajjud, fast on Mondays and Thursdays, make content on dua to share on TikTok with people, I help my mother and father out, I make dua daily and when it’s raining, I try to follow sunnah by following the prophets diet, I try to do good to others by teaching them about Islam and generally helping them out, for example, I tutor a girl at half the salary it is supposed to be because her mother told me they r in financial difficulty and to take half so I did thinking about them. I also make dua for others but I DONT KNOW WHY I STRUGGLE SO MUCH. I TRY TO DO GOOD BUT NOTHING GOOD HAPPENS TO ME. People who have cheated, taken drugs, drunk alcohol had pre-marital intercourse all the possible sins they are in universities living their best lives whereas I am not able to proceed in my life even if I am doing good. I am not jealous I want them to be happy as well. But where is my reward?? Where is my reward for being good? Why should I be good if I get to suffer this way? I was considering suicide but it is NOT the solution I know that so I will never do that. I never asked for any luxury from Allah but just I just want to gain knowledge and go for higher studies is it a sin I am asking? My mother and father argued a lot in my childhood which has a childhood trauma on me so whenever they start arguing I instantly start crying a lot. I started eating a lot, I depend a lot on food to give me happiness which I don’t have in life and sleep whenever things go downhill. I fear taking any positive actions towards my future as I am scared this attempt will be futile too. I fear I will not have a good career. like why am I so unfortunate even when I am doing good? please, Fatima, help me with my case and give me a solution to overcome my depression, anxiety, stress and fear. and what should I do next?

Response from a “Fatima Counselor”:


My beloved sister, I can feel how much pain you’re in. You have been through so much at such a young age. Your dreams are tied around your neck like a weight, because these dreams are tied to so many symbols around your own self worth.
I want to begin by saying that you are worthy of love. You are worthy of being seen, of being protected, of being invested into. You are worthy of acceptance and care even if you never become a doctor, even if you are never able to make a lot of money, because you are a precious soul created by Allah.

I want to start by observing a few things based on what you have written in order to expand your awareness of yourself.
You’ve been severely neglected and alone for a very long time. This is traumatic for a child even if the parents didn’t intend or want for this to happen, even if the parents feel deep love for their child. A child fundamentally needs attention and love without having to prove that they’re worthy of it. A child needs attunement from the parents and deep acceptance as the trait that informs parental guidance.

From what you’ve written, it seems like you feel the need to prove to your parents that you’re worthy of love. For example, you wrote that you’re worried that your mother will “waste” money on you, and that you’re a burden or fear becoming a burden if you don’t achieve a specific outcome.

A parent must know and understand that when they bring a child into the world, they are forever bound to the rights of this child. It is your right as your mother’s child for her to care for you in whatever way is within her capacity. Not a penny spent from a parent to a child is ever a “waste.” There will always be risk when we put forth money in new endeavors that don’t have a promised outcome, and your mom believes it’s well worth that risk. It is a virtuous deed in the eyes of Allah for your mom to invest in you. I can imagine that if you asked your mom if she ever thinks it’s a waste of her money to spend it on her child, she will probably say it is not. You wrote yourself that she worked as hard as she did to financially provide for you and your brother because your father didn’t financially help. Your mom wouldn’t do this if she thought it was a waste.

It is possible that you see it as a waste because you’ve grown accustomed to being neglected, so when resources are poured into you it feels deeply uncomfortable for you. You feel like you don’t deserve it or that you haven’t proven that you’re worthy of it.
I want you to be radically honest with yourself and ask: “is there any part of me that feels like becoming a doctor is the primary way to win the approval and acceptance from my parents that I have always craved as a child?” It doesn’t mean that you can’t have multiple intentions, like financially bringing ease to your mom, but if approval is your primary reason for becoming a doctor, then the weight of this dream being fulfilled will become that much heavier, because it’s tied to a fundamental need you have from your parents. This will make the closed doors that you’re experiencing that much more stressful, which will send you into a loop of anxiety because your well being is now dependent on a very specific outcome.

It is so crucial to know that your acceptance as a child should never be tied to your career. As long as you are doing your best and striving to grow, that alone should be enough for a parent to feel pride, because the outcome is in the hands of Allah, not your hands.
It also appears that you believe that your relationship with Allah is transactional. In your rumination of why things aren’t going the way you want, you wondered to yourself if you’re being punished: you start to recount all the mistakes you’ve made, the shame you feel, the repentance you’ve made. Then you list all the good you have done (and continue to do) while wondering, where is my reward?

The reality is that Allah is not a trader who rewards and punishes because of transactions. Allah is a limitless being who is never in need of anything–neither our worship nor our repentance.
Worship and repentance are for *us.* Because we are in need of Allah.
We worship because this life can be so consuming that we forget to connect with Him. We repent because our forgetfulness can make us act in ways that are not aligned with the fitrah of our righteous souls.
At the end of the day, the difficulties that happen to us can be a punishment or a blessing depending on how we choose to react to those hardships.

A hardship is a punishment if we react to it by forgetting Allah and becoming bitter and oppressive towards others.
A hardship is a blessing if it pushes us closer to Allah and we seek Him out in it, if we are open to using the hardship as an opportunity to expand our capacity to grow and to surrender.
I want you to think of all the closed doors that Allah has put your in the context of this quote from the Quran verse 2:216 which says, “But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not.”
You may truly believe with certainty that what you want is exactly what’s best for you and your future, but Allah is Ahkamul Hakimeen: the Wisest of the Wise. His discernment is informed by His limitless omniscience. He sees the unseen.

Right now all you can do is try your best, breathe, and let go of the results (because the results are not in your hands anyway). 
You have been neglecting your body and falling into despair. Ask Allah to help you, and when hardships come, remember and reflect upon the phrase “hasbiAllah wa nimal wakeel”: sufficient for me is Allah, and He is the best Disposer of Affairs. If you find it hard to be pleased with His Divine decree because you can’t understand it, ask Allah to help you with this, to bring ease into your heart and trust in His plan for you. 

Lastly, I want to bring to your attention that you may potentially be falling into despair of your own growth and potential. You seem to pathologize your social anxiety and trauma to a point where you feel broken beyond repair. I want you to know that social anxiety and trauma are explanations about why it’s harder for you to do certain things that others don’t struggle with as much, but it is NOT a life sentence. It doesn’t define you and your future. You absolutely can heal these things. You mentioned that when you were a child you weren’t like this. That is your fitrah and you can come back to that place. Seek out the help of Allah and get counseling if you have access to it. And if you don’t have access, don’t give up. There are plenty of free online resources about improving confidence and social anxiety if you do your research and keep holding onto hope for your healing.

May Allah increase you in nearness to Him, in radical self acceptance, in wisdom, and may He surround you with people who love and accept you deeply.


Your Sister in Islam,

Fatima “YR”

Response from your friend at Stones to Bridges:

Salam my dear, sweet sister,

 I can’t imagine how you must be feeling with all of the heavy stress and anxiety of the future and deep sorrow and regret of the past. As I read through your post, I can see that Allah has blessed you with the strength and ability to keep pushing through your challenges and difficulties, not everyone has this.

I am also very sorry to read of the abhorrent act you had to suffer through when you were younger, and it is completely understandable and justified for you to feel that justice was not served here. If I were in your shoes, I would be feeling the exact same way as there should have been more action done to ensure that this same thing does not happen to anyone else.

 I also wanted to say that I don’t think your mother is upset with you. My sweet sister, as you are well aware that our lives don’t always go the way we think or should and that is part of Allah’s Wisdom. You not being able to get into a certain school, the interview being cancelled, the Bangladeshi protests are not your fault. They are absolutely not your fault! Even if your mother is upset with the situation, it isn’t right for her to be upset with you. Did you try your best? It sounds to me from your post that you have been trying your best and that is all we can do in this dunya. All we have is our efforts and it sounds like you have put in an awful lot of effort, my sister. With Allah, is the results and whether you get something or not, in no way indicates that Allah is unhappy with you or that you have no reward. Think of the Pharoah at the time of Musa (AS) who lived a life of luxury, but his final home is in Hell. Allah gave him the dunya because that is all he wanted.

 This life is not one where we are supposed to get rewarded. Can it happen? Yes, sometimes but Allah tells us of his prophets and messengers in His Quran of where they had to deal with all kinds of heartache. Think of Yunis (AS) why was his people saved but not Nuh (AS)? Nuh lived and preached much longer, wouldn’t only be fair that he could see the fruit of his labour? Allah’s plan was for everything to happen the way it did. I truly sympathize with your statement of “why does nothing good happen to me”, in fact this same statement I have heard from a few of my loved ones recently. There are good things that happen to us but as human beings we tend to focus on the negative and ignore all of the positives. I do not blame you, as we are all guilty of it- myself included. I know it can be difficult but try to come up with some things that you are thankful for. You could keep a little journal by your bed and start your morning off by writing down a couple of things.

 Lastly, I wanted to say that MashaAllah sister, it is wonderful to read your enthusiasm for trying to practice Islam, but I would like to remind you that it is really important that we don’t overburden ourselves. Allah wants to see us do good deeds to the best of our ability, which means we should prioritize quality over quantity. As our Messenger (SAW) said: “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.” (Sunan Ibn Mājah 4240)


Another example is one of the wives of the prophet (SAW)- Juwairiyah who was sitting after the morning prayer until around it the dhuhr prayer. In this time she was praising and remembering Allah (amazing right?) when Allah’s Messenger (SAW) came back after he left early that morning, he asked if she had moved from that spot and she had not. Then we learn: “I recited four words three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier”. (https://islammessageofpeace.wordpress.com/2014/06/05/morning-dhikr-taught-by-prophet-muhammad-peace-be-upon-him-to-his-wife-juwairiyah-bint-al-harith/)

These are the words we say during the morning remembrance and yet they were equal to what Juwairiyah (RA) was doing for hours after fajr! SubhanAllah, so from this we can see that just because we do a lot that doesn’t necessarily mean it is better. Allah has made some people better at fasting, some better at praying in the night, others give lot’s charity. Find what it is you think you can do best and start with that before adding more good deeds, otherwise it may become too much, and you could give it up altogether.

Don’t give up my sister, you may wish to become a doctor but perhaps Allah is showing you that there is a different path you can take. You are still very young and full of ability and talent, mashaAllah. We never know where our paths will lead us.

I pray this helps you and that Allah alleviates you of all the stress, heartache and sadness you have and blesses you with the best of this life and the next, raising you to the highest levels of His Jannah, ameen.

All the best,
Your Sister in Faith

Here are some additional posts on this topic that you may find helpful: https://www.stonestobridges.org/tag/depression/