really need help
salam, this is a long shot but i find myself desperate so i decided to reach out here.
i have severe ocd related to religion/ritual impurity and i would really like to be able to connect to a trusted muslim scholar to help clear up some of my doubts and uncertainties about certain islamic laws and rulings. looking up my questions online has only served to worsen my obsessive doubts and confuse me further, and the fatwa websites i trust most are so popular that their inboxes are always full and never open for questions. i’ve tried finding a real life scholar to reach out to before but i have no idea how to find one or who to look for. i know the sisters here consult scholars before posting their answers and i was wondering if you know anybody i could be connected with? my mental issues have been getting really bad lately and i have no one to reach out to so i really need a scholar to clarify things for me. thank you
Response from a “Fatima Counselor”:
Assalaamu Alaikum,
I pray that you get the answers you seek. If you have not already, I would suggest seeking a mental health professional (psychiatrist and therapist) who specializes in OCD in addition to seeking help from Islamic scholars. And yes, I typically consult with Islamic scholars, to make sure my responses align with Islamic values.
OCD is a disorder on the anxiety spectrum meaning the uncontrollable, behaviors, thoughts and rituals manifested in a person with OCD are attempts to control some level of anxiety. With the right combination of treatments including therapy, challenging your obsessive thoughts, lifestyle changes, relaxation and stress management, your symptoms can be so much more manageable. Please see the link to an excellent article for more details on this:
To get in touch with Islamic scholars, you can contact your local masjid or Islamic community center to see if they can guide you to someone who can help answer your questions around Islamic laws and rulings. Your other option is you can ask your question more specifically on this forum and we can do our best to present your questions to scholars and try to get answers for you, inshaAllah.
Your Sister in Islam,
Fatima “AH”
Response from your friend at Stones to Bridges:
Walayakum Assalam dear sister/brother, it is admirable that you are concerned about this and are trying to search for answers from reliable scholars. However, we must remember that Allah does not place too much in our deen so that we may become overwhelmed. It reminds me of the ayah (185) of Baqarah where Allah is telling us to fast for Ramadan. In that ayah, Allah mentions- يُرِيدُ ٱللَّهُ بِكُمُ ٱلْيُسْرَ وَلَا يُرِيدُ بِكُمُ ٱلْعُسْرَ “Allah wishes for you ease and does not wish for you hardship.” Since these thoughts are becoming difficult for your mental well being, it might be a possibility for you to reach out to your local masjid to contact the imam. Or if you have someone close to you that you trust, you could ask them as well. If you follow any particular school of Islamic thought, there may be courses online you could take to further your understanding. Sometimes too, when the shaytan sees someone trying to get closer to Allah, he will cause that person to doubt themselves; hoping that it reaches the point where the person just gives up all together because it is too much to handle, which is why Allah does not overwhelm us with so many rules and regulations like the previous nation- Bani Israel had. Allah knows what we can and cannot handle. I hope that this helped you, may Allah relieve you of your worries and stresses, ameen.
Disclaimer: If this is an emergency, please call 911 or 1-800-273-TALK(8255). The information that appears here is not meant as replacement for proper care from a mental health provider. Click here to read our full Disclaimer.
assalamualaikum, this is the anonymous op and my ocd has gotten much better since i sent this ask alhamdulillah. my faith isnt perfect and there are still many ways i’d like to be a stronger muslim, but i really feel as if Allah has been by my side recently and inshallah i will be able to better myself for His sake. even if this situation doesn’t apply to me anymore your words were still comforting to read, so thank you 🙂