Constant thoughts about my death nearing

Constant thoughts about my death nearing

I’m a 19-year-old female recently for 3 months I’ve been struggling with constant Thoughts about my death thinking it may, be a sign from Allah now I get extreme anxiety and panic attacks… It disrupts my daily life and it’s really bothering me I need help

Response from “Fatima Counselor”:

Salaam dear sister, firstly I want to say how terrifying and painful it can be to share these experiences.
When our spirit feels crushed and it becomes difficult to see any light, it is even easier to fall into a state of doubting who we are and what we are made of. 

There is a moment when our beloved messenger Prophet (pbuh) was at a point reaching despair when Allah (swt) says in Surah Duha, “Your Lord has not abandoned you nor has He forgotten you.” (93:3)

 I hope you know that you are worthwhile, matter and have tremendous purpose. Allah (swt) certainly describes so. He has not given up on you. Neither should you. 

For some of us, these passing suicidal thoughts go away as we deal with the stressor or other circumstances that bring it on. I would ask yourself dear sister if there is a bigger context to your described distressing symptoms.  For other people, especially with how frequent and distressing these thoughts are, we request you assess your safety with yourself and strongly recommend you get a higher level of help with getting connected to a therapist or, if needed to assess if you need medication to also help with some of what you’re describing, a psychiatrist. 

A mental health professional is the best person who can continue to help you find the light again. 
May Allah swt make it easier for you.

Your Sister in Islam,
Fatima “FA”

Response from your friend at Stones to Bridges:

Salam my dear sister, it is admirable that you are thinking about death as it seems that not too many young people are concerned with this in today’s day and age. However, just as Allah has created the skies and placed a balance (mizan) in them we too have to remember to keep ourselves balanced. Remember that yes, Allah has created death for us all but He also created our lives as well. Don’t forget your portion of this life. Reach out to those who you love and trust in your circle of family and friends. Too often people struggle and suffer in silence. You might find that some of them may have been struggling with this exact same thing. Also do not be afraid to reach out to a mental health professional who can provide you coping strategies and how to navigate the thoughts and feelings you are struggling with. May Allah bless you my dear sister with the best of this life and the next, alleviating you of your worries and sorrows, ameen! 

Disclaimer: If this is an emergency, please call 911 or 1-800-273-TALK(8255). The information that appears here is not meant as replacement for proper care from a mental health provider. Click here to read our full Disclaimer.