Please help – Dear Fatima
Dear Fatima, I’m a teenage girl who occasionally wants to leave home. I live with my mom and her boyfriend and I swear she makes me feel unwanted, pathetic and like she hates me. It’s hard because I love her to death and don’t want anything to happen to her but I feel she doesn’t feel the same. She kinda treats me like trash. Yeah, sometimes I mess up but when I do she acts the world is ending and I caused it. When I do end up doing well she tells me it needs to be like this all the time. I wish sometimes she could be in my place and know how I feel and know how much work we get in school. She makes me feel like a waste of space. Please, this is a cry for help.
Assalaamu Alaikum Sister,
Relationships with mothers can be very complicated. On one hand, if we are alive today we know it would have not been possible without her, but at the same time, a strained relationship can induce feelings of pain, frustration, anger, guilt and worthlessness. Since I do not know the details of your relationship, I will offer you some recommendations for a few different scenarios. My first suggestion would be to have a heart to heart with your mother, and let her know how you feel. Parents tend to displace their distress from other aspects of life (couple relationship, work, etc.) and direct them toward their children without even realizing that they are doing so, or how deeply it can affect their children. Sometimes an honest and vulnerable conversation with your mother alone can be a catalyst for change. In this conversation I would primarily focus on your feelings of being unwanted by her and how much you need her understanding, love and affection. Working towards developing a secure relationship with her first will make it easier to resolve additional issues. If you find she is not receptive to conversations like this, I would encourage you to speak to other trusted adults who can advocate for you, and/or be a source of support and comfort for you when there is tension. Sometimes the best approach with difficult, and/or critical parents is to be firm yet loving. Let her know how much you love and respect her and at the same time let her know very clearly that there are certain behaviors that are damaging to your relationship and well-being.
In cases of emotional abuse where a parent is using emotional manipulation as a tool for control, I would do everything you can to protect yourself. Again, be very firm about your intolerance for yelling, insulting, etc. and disengage from these types of interactions as much as you can. A very good article on identifying and coping with emotional abuse can be found here: In cases where the abuser is not changing, there is intense emotional abuse, and you have no where else to go, you need to lay low. Try to create a support network and a long-term plan for becoming financially independent so you can distance yourself from the situation as quickly as realistically possible. It is easier and more plausible to improve a relationship when both parties are on somewhat of an equal footing and one person is not entirely dependent on the other. It is in our religion to be respectful toward our parents. But there is no obligation upon any soul to be trapped in a situation where they are being treated unjustly, and their mental health and well-being is compromised. No matter where your relationship with your mother lies on the spectrum of distress and conflict, I highly recommend working with a therapist or a counselor to help facilitate these conversations. Additionally, your mother’s boyfriend being in the picture adds another layer of complexity which can also be best navigated with a professional. May Allah grant you the wisdom, strength, and courage to improve your relationship and ease you pain.
Your sister in Islam
“Fatima AH”
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Salaam sister,
That sounds like a really tough situation you are going through. Unfortunately it is not uncommon. I remember having a friend in middle school who was in your similar situation – mom living with her boyfriend and she was also facing problems with her mother.
I know we expect our moms to be just that – a mother. Selfless, caring, and loving to their children. Sometimes they can really disappoint us. I am sure your mom deep down inside wants to be that but is facing lots of problems in her own life and may not have the energy/mental health to be the best she can be.
Please know that her behavior is not your fault. Yes, sometimes we do things that can upset those close to us and we should be honest and fair when that happens. But, ultimately, every person owns his/her own behavior. When she acts out in extreme ways that is a reflection of what is going on inside of her and may not be a fair reaction to whatever you may have done.
For your own mental health sake, have an honest conversation with yourself in the third person where you imagine you are your own friend hearing about the situation. Go through your situations, describe to yourself things you said to her, what she said, what you did, what she did, and what your intentions were in those situations. You know yourself best and you can be honest with yourself and intentions. Let these conversations get to a point where you can decide specifically what you wanted to hear from her or what reaction you wanted. This will help you be better prepared for when there is the next fight with your mom you can say statements like “Mom, when you say this it makes me feel…” and “So I can feel supported I wish your reaction would’ve been…” Using “This made me feel…” statements are much better than “you did this/that”
Then, try to treat your mother with the best intentions, not because she always deserves it being your mom, but because that is the person you want to be. Whenever I am faced with a difficult person, I think that his/her mean comments come from his/her own personal experiences. Sometimes I see friends overreact to situations and I know in their life they are dealing with the stress of someone close to them being very sick/dying. Maybe your mother has dealt with hurtful behavior from your father, her boyfriend, or her own mother and so that is what she knows and projects on to you. It does not mean you are what she says. When you feel sure of your intentions and behaviors, you know who you are and that is all that matters.
Like “Fatima” said, talking to someone can help facilitate that “third person” conversation and can help you work out what the best tactics for you are. Above all, remember that this is just one piece of your life and it will pass. Alongside this piece, look for the other good pieces such as any friends, other family members, or any hobbies you love no matter how small they are. It sounds like you try hard in school, that is a piece of life to be proud of.
Sending you lots of love. I will make dua for you and wish you an improved relationship!