Difficult Times
Salam, I am a 19 year old female. For the majority of my life my siblings and I have endured physical abuse at the hands of our mother. My mum always preaches the fact the islam places great value on a mother, and that heaven lies at her feet, which I completely agree with. But she goes so far as to say that God permits mothers to kill their children if they wish to do so. I don’t know if this is correct but I do know that my beloved God would never permit so much pain to inflicted on his slaves.
I have had my fair share of beatings but as i’ve gotten older i’ve learn’t what triggers my mum, and I try to avoid these triggers. My siblings however, are younger (7,12,16 and 17) and they fight as children do. I love my mum and I know that she really doesn’t want to hit us. I just can’t bear it when she hits them. They are just children and they should be taught how to do things with love and compassion. Every time she hits them I start panicking and I need to everything in my power to stop it, which is sometimes limiting. I get caught in the crossfire most if not all times. I remember one day she pressed a knife onto me and threatened to kill me if I got in the way again. This has happened a couple of times. My mum can’t control her anger, when she is in this state I look into her eyes and I can’t recognise her, its like something has taken over her. It is the youngest two that get hit the most now (7 and 12) and my mum says that this is her ‘disciplining’ them, and that she disciplined me and I turned out “well behaved”. When I get involved she stops talking to me for days and sometimes weeks in extreme cases. I have to apologise and beg her to forgive me for days until she decides to forgive me. She is manipulative. I wish she could stop.
My parents argue a lot, and when I say a lot I mean everyday. They argue about the littlest things. It really affects you mentally. Somedays I just want to run away.
I also struggle with my body image. From a young age I have been overweight, and my mum and dad used to pick on me for it. They’d call me fat and tell me that I needed to lose weight. I was 10 years old and they’d make me feel bad for eating. At the age of 15 I was diagnosed with meningitis and at the time I was on the atkins diet (proposed by my father). My life has been a constant struggle with my weight. I lost 4 stones when I was 17 and still to this day I fear putting on all the weight. But the worst of it all is that I still see this fat, ugly repulsive me in the mirror. No matter how hard I train and how healthy I eat I still see the old me. I look in the mirror and I break down because I hate what I see. I think its called body dysmorphic disorder or something like that.
The only way I could really deal with everything in my life was to cut myself. Its embarrassing and I’m ashamed to say I did it, but I did. I used to have thoughts of killing myself. I would lie in my bed and think about how it would be if it all just stopped. Of course I knew that suicide is wrong and that it completely goes against our religion. But these thoughts would really scare me. My relationship with Allah has really strengthened and I haven’t cut for 2 years now alhamdulilah. Running really helps me, its a great release, and I talk to Allah about everything. But yesterday something happened and I had the most intense desire to cut myself, I just wanted to slit my throat and bleed to death. It was pretty scary. I couldn’t sleep all night.
I want to cut myself but I don’t want to disappoint Allah.
Asalaamoalaikum sister,
My heart broke and is still hurting after reading your post. I cannot imagine the suffering, the pain and hurt that you and your siblings are going through. May Allah SWT have mercy on your family. Ameen.
Since you are in UK, I don’t know what the law says about child abuse. I would not recommend confronting your mother about any of this as it has the potential of backfiring on you and the abuse could potentially get worse. But I would recommend that you talk to a close family member (i.e. an aunt or uncle or grandparents) and seek their help in addressing this concern (if this is something that you can do). It’s very sad that your mother was blessed with the gift of motherhood however she is abusing this gift. May Allah SWT guide her to the right path. Ameen.
As far as the cutting is concerned, I can’t imagine what you are going through as that is making you internalize all this negativity and punish yourself. It’s not your fault that you are in this sad and terrible position. Have faith in Allah’s mercy that He will put things right InshAllah. Try to figure out what makes you calm (something positive not cutting) like reciting the Quran, praying, etc. and use that when you feel overwhelmed and have the urges to cut. It’s because you feel that you don’t have any control over the situation and your life, that’s perhaps why you assert control by cutting.
You are so resilient and strong to post about the difficult times. Believe in that!
My prayers are with you.
Your Sister in Islam,
Fatima “AH”
Dear One who is enduring difficult times:Allah is the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Just. Harming ourselves or others is outside of Allah’s commandment in the Qur’an to encourage the good and forbid the evil.Many of the symptoms you are describing are common among people who are experiencing trauma. They can be overwhelming and sometimes feel like they will never end. It took so much strength for you to reach out. It was a brave thing to do.From a few things you’ve said, it seems like you are in the UK.I’m not familiar with the system there, but I imagine that they have a system similar to the Child Protective Services we have here in the U.S. Since you have been threatened with a knife, I would encourage you to seek help from a school counselor, and they would likely put you in touch with those services. It might be an uncomfortable or even scary process to talk to someone about the pain you’ve been experiencing. The ultimate goal is that you and your siblings get into a safe situation because we can only heal once we are safe.I will pray that you are given people who will guide you with loving compassion to get your family the help it needs.
Your Sister in Islam,
Fatima “FM”
Note from Admin: If you would like us to help you find a Muslim therapist/counselor in your area, please complete the Contact Us form at the footer of the website.
*If this is an emergency or involves potential harm to yourself or others, please call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or 988.*
Disclaimer: If this is an emergency, please call 988 or 1-800-273-TALK(8255). The information that appears here is not meant as replacement for proper care from a mental health provider. Click here to read our full Disclaimer.
Salaam sweetheart,
I am so sorry to hear that you are going through such a tough situation. From your post I gather that you are a wonderful daughter and very kind sister to your siblings. You should be very proud of yourself for your weight loss and for not cutting for 2 years. You are a survivor and I hope you give yourself credit for that.
Your mom is absolutely out of line. What she is doing is wrong, and it absolutely not your fault. No matter what you do, her reaction is not appropriate or defensible. I think your mom likely has a mental health problem and you are aware that she suddenly turns into someone else. If anything, I hope this allows you to ignore her because what she is saying does not make sense and is wrong.
Your mom and dad are also cruel to have made fun of your weight at such a young age. It’s wonderful that you are able to exercise and take care of yourself, but you have clearly been traumatized by their mean comments.
In general, it’s clear that you are suffering through a lot of trauma and cutting is one way of coping with the pain. There is nothing crazy about you or wrong with you. Trauma is very real and a lot of people are suffering through it like you. Something has happened to you, that you didn’t ask for, and your mind is reacting in this way. There is a book called, “The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma,” by Bessel van der Kolk that can teach you all about trauma, how it effects you and some coping mechanisms. There are different ways to process the pain and help yourself. This book is probably not the best way to do it – talking with a therapist is – but it can introduce you to what you are going through, if interested. Unfortunately you have seen a lot of trauma from different angles in your life. Are you able to see a therapist at school/university?
I am not sure how supportive your 16 and 17 year old siblings are, but if you have a decent relationship with your siblings it’s really important for you guys to stick together. Even if it means confiding in each other and talking through the challenges you have with your parents, you guys can be a means of comfort for one another and a reminder that you’re not going through this alone.
Also, please remember that Allah swt is watching. I don’t want to paint your parents as absolute monsters, because I am sure they are not, but Allah swt takes care of his servants. Keep your intentions pure, keep trying, and Allah swt will show you the best path for you and your family.
Sister PureLight
As salaam alaikum my beloved sister. I will not say I understand what you are feeling but I will say I have had similar growing up. It is very difficult to imagine it will not get better but believe, me hold on and don’t give in to thoughts of suicide and it will. I shall Allah I believe I can say I assure you. I was at a training and a coworker discussed members of his support group cutting and he said one member offered that rather than cut, if that not what you really want to do, instead draw a butterfly in that space instead, with beautiful colors. The butterfly will remind you that there is hope. When I didn’t see myself as beautiful as wanted to I began to look for things inside myself that only I can do. I began to offer a kind word to other I saw and believed were hurting and maybe no one knew. I would simply acknowledge them with a kind salaam or hi or literally say “I SEE YOU” to them because that’s what I believe would have helped me any of my days. I stop looking at what I saw in the mirror and looked at what I bring to the world. My love for Allah. I figuredon’t how I look is really not about me as much as it’s about my DNA and the hormones I inherited from my parents. I can’t always control the look but only I controlled what came out of and from me. My sister, I know we don’t know each other but know for sure I LOVE YOU FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH. And I have been praying for you every prayer every day with intention in my duas. Please know although we maybe miles even world’s apart YOU ARE LOVED AND ARE LOVE. Please seek the help you need and know you don’t have to go it alone. If you would please give yourself a big strong hug from me. It is said, there’s nothing constant but change.
Brother "Y"
Asalamoalaikum Sister,
The advice given by Fatima V and Fatima Z is good. You said that running, that is, exercising helps you so continue doing that activity. Realize that everything that happens to us in this life is by the permission of Allah. When you get the desire to hurt yourself, remember that Allah wants you to be patient.
The meaning of patience is to stop ourselves from doing some thing that is wrong. Allah will reward you
for your patience as is mentioned in Surah Asr. So seek the help of relatives or friends or anybody else that you trust, keep up your five daily prayers on time, keep running/ exercising and be patient.
Brother “Y”