Troubles with Wudu and Salah

Troubles with Wudu and Salah

I am an 18-year-old girl who has trouble with wudu and prayer. I have posted before but I am having trouble again. I feel that I am doing all of my wudus and salahs wrong. With that, I feel that I will not succeed in my studies unless I do the wudu and salah right. Also, I did a salah from a while ago wrong because I think I broke my wudu. Do I have to do that salah first before I do my “on-time” salah? What if I did not repeat that wrong salah first? I have grown very tired of doing salah and I have even skipped some and done them at a later time when they were not on time. I don’t feel that much of a connection to Allah  when I’m doing salah.

As Salaam Alaikum,

You seem like a very sincere and dedicated person and I think that is very admirable. I also think its wonderful that you are trying to keep up with all your salahs, but I think you are consuming you efforts with the worry of if you are doing this right. Take a step back. First lets start with wudu – its a very simple intention of cleansing your body and purifying your soul before you sit to talk to Allah. As you are making wudu do not worry if you are doing it right, just make the intention that you are doing it for the sake of Allah. Do wudu before every salah and do each step slow and one at a time. 

Next as you take time out to pray your salahs after making wudu – focus on what you are doing – you are taking time out of your day to talk to your Lord. To thank him for everything that you have, to seek forgiveness for anything you may have done wrong. Take this slow, don’t focus on if you are doing it right but focus on what is in your heart. InshAllah with such pure intentions we pray Allah accepts our salats.  

Lots of love and duas,

Your Sister in Islam,

“Fatima SD”

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