Changing Someone’s Heart Towards Me
Assalamu Alaikum,
I am a 19 yr old Pakistani female, I am here to seek the help of someone who is knowledgeable in Islam and will know the way to go about my problem according to the sunnah of our Prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam.
Skimming on the details, I want to ask if there is a wazifa that can be read to change the heart of people towards me for the better. I was brought forth a marriage proposal a few months ago which my family and I accepted but was ended when the brother’s family began to dislike me. I have tried a lot in my power to change their opinion of me but slowly and eventually everyone has left this idea and I am the only one who still believes in it. I am looking for the help of someone who may know what dua or act I can perform that can bring him back and his family can accept me insha Allah and this problem that I am faced with is fixed. I pray a lot to Allah that he helps me with this and I try very hard to fulfill my duties as a Muslim everyday. Is there something else I can do or something that can be done to have Allah be pleased with me and make him come back. I read again and again that dua can change Qadr and I believe in this a lot and don’t want to give up hope.
Dear sister,
I pray this reaches you in good health and strong imaan.
The power of dua is great however, there are times when accepting the will of Allah is in your best interest. Everything happens for a reason, and to come to an understanding of why something has happened will only help you grow and become more in tune with yourself and your spirituality.
Try not to let this one incident cloud your vision and judgment from others that may become available to you. This didn’t work out, but you can take this as a gift from Allah. Trust in Allah. InshaAllah as you continue to pray and make dua, Allah will bring to you happiness.
With dua and will from within us we continue to change. In addition to praying, try some of these to help you move past this and continue on the path of changing:
1. Write down your emotions and thoughts to help you understand what you might be going through.
2. Exercise you body and mind. Do this by physically exercising and by meditating. A lot of endorphins are released through both and this can help you better understand your emotions.“We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person for another chance.” – W. Somerset Maugham -This can apply to giving yourself another chance. Don’t feel the need to change yourself for this person or his family. Change yourself for you and give yourself that chance again. May Allah (swt) bless you with a righteous spouse when the time is right for you. Ameen.
– Fatima SD
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Salaam sister,
I hope you have been able to find more peace regarding this situation. It’s always tough when you feel like a situation that you thought was going one way suddenly goes another way. Especially with this whole marriage process, the emotional ups and downs are really extreme and tough.
However, there is no better way to learn acceptance than through being able to accept these ups and downs that Allah throws our way. For what it’s worth, I want you to know that you are not alone and everyone goes through them, especially in this marriage process. I pray that inshAllah your heart finds acceptance of this situation and the situations you will face in the future. InshAllah when the time is right, Allah will grant you with a spouse and the process will be easy for you.