Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

Well i’m 14 years old and i live in maryland and theres this guy and hes 16..i’ve known him for like all my life..and
we’ve started having a serious relationship and secretly meeting each other for one year. But he moved to
Pennsylvania and is only 4 hours away from me. He visits here sometimes but I dont see him alot anymore. Alot of people like my friends say i should leave him but i CANT. I dont know if it’s love but i feel so attracted to him and i need him. He promised to spend the summer with me and hes coming in like a week and i really miss him but they’re saying i should ignore him but i really dont want to even knowing it’s ‘haraam’ i cant. What do I do?

Dear Forbidden Love,

I can tell you are torn between what your friends are saying and your feelings for this young man.
I’m going to get one thing out of the way before I give you my thoughts on your particular situation – and that is one person’s “serious relationship” is another person’s first date. SO, I want to break a few things down and deal with them first.  There are many types of relationships and intimacy comes in several forms, spiritual, emotional, and physical.  Each of these is a powerful draw and creates a bond between two people that takes on a life of its own.  Leaving aside the religious aspect, too much intimacy too early in a relationship – especially physical intimacy – clouds your judgement because that bonding becomes so powerful that it can sometimes become easy to overlook possible challenges in the relationship until you’ve already invested a LOT into it.  If it turns out the relationship doesn’t have what it needs to last, then the loss of the relationship is much much more painful than it would have been otherwise.

Regardless of the specifics, it is clear in your situation that you feel you have crossed a line and it makes you uncomfortable – otherwise you wouldn’t have posted your question.  This internal gps is important to listen to.  Think to yourself – what is making you uncomfortable?  Is it the fact that you have been meeting in secret?  Is it what you have done when you met?  Is it that when he moved he did not come to see you or maintain the type of contact you wanted? What are the reasons?

That will help you figure out where you are at.

Now think about why you started the relationship. And what were the decisions you made to keep it going?  From what you’ve written, I’m sure there were points where you thought to yourself, “should I be doing this?” and then you decided to go ahead anyway.  What made you pause? What made you go forward?

This will help you figure out why you chose the path you did and, if you choose to walk a different path, will help you figure out what situations to watch out for.

Now ask yourself – how come I didn’t have someone to talk to about this situation who could mentor me, like a parent, aunt, youth group adviser, etc.?  and if I wanted to find someone like that to ask for help, is there someone who I could go to?

This helps you figure out your support systems, and how you can take advantage of them.  Someone who can sit and talk with you to get a better sense of the situation and give you better advice than I.

Lastly, I have no idea how much contact you have had with this young man since he moved.  He could be texting and emailing you every day, or he could be completely silent.  Make sure that whichever it is, you pay attention to not only his words but also his behavior.

Take care of yourself,

 –       Fatima FM

 [If you would like us to refer you to a therapist or even just want to talk to someone who cares, please feel free to email us your contact info, including city and state to].


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One thought on “Forbidden Love

  1. Dear Forbidden Love,
    Speaking from my very own experience, I want you to be oh so very careful when it comes to this boy. I know that I could advice you just about anything in this comment, but still you will end up doing exactly what you WANT to do. That’s how I am, and that’s how we all are sometimes. We all need to follow our own instincts and find things out for ourselves, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that as long as we are learning from the experiences as we go along. And just as long as we are trying our hardest to stick to the right path. It seems as if you have a lot of feelings for this boy, and that’s when a great girl like you must be careful. “It’s an open heart that’s vulnerable to the deepest wound.” The purity that your heart possesses at your age is so fearless and beautiful. So that’s why it’s up to you to protect it. He may be a great boy. He may better you in so many more ways than I can imagine. He may give you the world. He may make you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. He may make as much time for you as he possibly can. But only you know these details, so all I can say is that if he does not do any of those things then think twice and make no excuses for him, please. Love at such a young age is so complicated, I know. I was 14 only two years ago and I remember I felt my soul to be as mature as it would get. At that age, my love was at its purest form for the man I loved. But even at 18, he was still not ready to give me all the commitment and love I had asked of him. Don’t risk your parents’ trust by sneaking around with him or lose sleep thinking about him unless he’s proven to feel for you as much as you do for him. Make sure you are not the only person to be giving in this relationship you share with him. If you find that you don’t receive as much attention and affection as you give, even while he’s away, then you may need to evaluate his position in your life. Consider the future, can you see him in yours? Can he see you in his? But do not expect too much from him until you’ve learned who he truly is inside. If, God forbid, he fails to follow through on promises he has made to you, then you will find that expecting things from him was not the wisest of an idea. There is nothing wrong with loving him. Just make sure that you can be sane even without his love. People will come and go in your life, & some will fight to stay. Understand though that only Allah will stay unconditionally and under any circumstance, He will never leave you. Stay strong, darling. May God give you all the answers you need in your situation. 🙂