Indecisive Student

Indecisive Student

Dear Fatima,
What would be a smart thing to major in college?


Dear Indecisive student,

Well, that depends upon what you mean when you say β€œsmart.” Do you mean a major that will offer you a lucrative job? Or do you mean a major that will fulfill you? In either case, my response is the same. Our bounty is written for us, we only need to ensure we are working honestly, cleanly, and doing the best job we can at whatever work we choose.

Biased response: PSYCHOLOGY. πŸ™‚

Unbiased response: Whatever you are passionate about. Whatever has meaning to you.

-Fatima SY


Dear Indecisive student,

I am tempted to just write – β€œHow can you best use your talents and interests to make the world a better place while also pleasing Allah (swt)?”

I know that there are many considerations, but the above is the first place to start, and then add in things like doing searches about which of those interests will result in a career that you would be comfortable actually doing, while also being able to potentially take care of yourself (and maybe a family) financially.Β  Internships and volunteer opportunities will also help sort some of this stuff out.

Write back with more details and maybe we’ll have other advice.

-Fatima FM

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One thought on “Indecisive Student

  1. this is definitely a question that plagues every incoming college freshmen. from my experience, i would say that the most important thing is to follow your interests and your passions. you have to remember that what you choose to study will more often then not, be closely related to the career you will choose. pick a major that has careers you would enjoy doing and you could see yourself doing long-term. and remember, there is a difference between having interest in something and being good in something. you may find that you are good in a certain subject, but that should not be the basis for picking it as your major. you should choose a major that you interests and challenges you. lastly, go into college with an open mind and know that it is okay to not have it all mapped out from the very beginning. many people often go through 2 or 3 majors doing college until they find the one that suits them best. you may not know what interests you when you’re in college, but just like Fatima FM said, internships, volunteer positions, extracurricular activities, and jobs can help you find where your interests lie. good luck:)