I’m almost 18 years old and I have never been kissed, never had a boyfriend, and I have never been on a date. It is mostly because of my faith. There have been many guys who have been interested in me but I’ve refused them. However, growing up in America and being a high school student, saying you’ve never been kissed is like saying you’re a cannibal. People would think you’re a freak and you’re ultimately singled out from the other students. There’s a lot of pressure, especially at this age when all of us just want to fit in and find our place in the school and eventually find our place in the world. Being probably one of the only students in my school who has willingly maintained abstinence, I feel like such an odd-ball and outcast. There are times I am proud of myself and my decisions, and all the same, there are times I wonder why I make my life so difficult. It’s so much more easy to do what everyone else is doing. I want to feel accepted. What should I do?
-Never Been Kissed
Response from a “Fatima counselor” at Stones to Bridges:
Dear Never Been Kissed,
The fact that you’ve grown up in America and have “never been kissed” at your age by all means makes you an exception to the norm, and for that, first I have to give you huge props!! Looks like you’ve gotten through the crazy “hormonal” middle school years and the extreme peer pressure high school years with an immense degree of self-worth, security and confidence. Now the key is for this “true you”, the one you have been all these years, to NEVER lose sight of yourself! Believe me, it won’t be easy, the same way it wasn’t easy when you stood out because of these things, as well as many others I’m sure, in the past. But I bet you’re a pretty well liked person. Why do you think that is? Most kids, like many people in general, unfortunately out of their own insecurities, tend to make fun of others who are secure enough to “be themselves” because they aren’t, but wish they could be, strong enough to “be themselves” as well. Ultimately though, all people, somewhere within themselves, are attracted to others who are secure, confident and persistent enough to live their lives based on their beliefs, values and what they stand for. Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed you to be one of these people, and as long as you maintain this “true you”, you will not only always find yourself to feel a sense of self-worth and be internally at peace, but eventually, as the years pass, you will realize that you have also become a role model for others more than you can ever imagine! Sincerely,
Your Sister in Islam,
“Fatima AC”
P.S. You might also like the Personal Reflection video titled “This is me”.
Response from an additional “Fatima counselor” at Stones to Bridges:
Dear Never Been Kissed, The assumption here is that you are making your life more difficult. There certainly is a challenge here, one of peer pressure, not fitting in, and the struggle to value something that is devalued by the society around you, behaving modestly. However, ultimately, Islam makes life easier by leading you away from the pitfalls that engaging in dating and sexual behaviors will beget. These include emotional, physical, social, and spiritual repercussions. In certain respects, you ARE an “oddball” and an “outcast,” and that is a tremendous trial. But your instincts are telling you that there is purpose in this conscious abstinence…trust your instincts. Sincerely,
Your Sister in Islam,
“Fatima SY”
[If you would like us to refer you to a therapist or even just want to talk to someone who cares, please feel free to email us your contact info, including city and state to info@nuryouthforum.org].
Disclaimer: If this is an emergency or involves potential harm to yourself or others, please call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Helpline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255). The information that appears here is not meant as a replacement for proper care from a mental health provider. Click here to read our full Disclaimer.
4 thoughts on “Never Been Kissed”
You are definitely not alone! Many other Muslims and even non-Muslims with similar values go through the same struggle. I’ve never been kissed either!
Salam, I am 21 and I wish I could go back to high school and take back all the “experiences” I had just to fit in. There are times I wish I could have amnesia so I’d forget the past. Trust me, it is not worth it to sell yourself out so people don’t judge you in this life time. But it is much more valuable to save yourself so Allah will judge you in the after life. Mashallah, you are very lucky to be pure and that is true beauty. You will one day have you’re fist kiss inshallah. That is the beauty of Islam, you will have the joy of having love but in a way that is actually pleasing to Allah. So, no rush, you are definitively special and you should be proud of that. May Allah keep you and all of us in the straight path inshallah.
Dear Sister in Islam, I am in my late-twenties, and I am having the same reflections as you. Wouldn’t it be easier to fit in? As I was reading some of the other blogs on this site, the repercussions of doing things outside of our faith are HUGE. Imagine, if and when you decided to kiss someone, on how you would feel afterwards? Trust me, you won’t be the same. It will always be a lingering memory that you will never be able to get rid of. Alhamdulilah, I am grateful for this website because it reminds me of why I chose Islam as a lifestyle everyday and the blessings of it.
It’s really easy to feel like an oddball and an outcast when you’re not surrounded by similar people to you. I found that when I made new friends who were also struggling with me in this, it became so much easier for me to accept myself and the difficulties that are associated with trying to live a “never been kissed” lifestyle. I’ve never been kissed either! I have friends who have also never been kissed. Know that you’re not alone…
You are definitely not alone! Many other Muslims and even non-Muslims with similar values go through the same struggle. I’ve never been kissed either!
Salam, I am 21 and I wish I could go back to high school and take back all the “experiences” I had just to fit in. There are times I wish I could have amnesia so I’d forget the past. Trust me, it is not worth it to sell yourself out so people don’t judge you in this life time. But it is much more valuable to save yourself so Allah will judge you in the after life. Mashallah, you are very lucky to be pure and that is true beauty. You will one day have you’re fist kiss inshallah. That is the beauty of Islam, you will have the joy of having love but in a way that is actually pleasing to Allah. So, no rush, you are definitively special and you should be proud of that. May Allah keep you and all of us in the straight path inshallah.
Dear Sister in Islam, I am in my late-twenties, and I am having the same reflections as you. Wouldn’t it be easier to fit in? As I was reading some of the other blogs on this site, the repercussions of doing things outside of our faith are HUGE. Imagine, if and when you decided to kiss someone, on how you would feel afterwards? Trust me, you won’t be the same. It will always be a lingering memory that you will never be able to get rid of. Alhamdulilah, I am grateful for this website because it reminds me of why I chose Islam as a lifestyle everyday and the blessings of it.
It’s really easy to feel like an oddball and an outcast when you’re not surrounded by similar people to you. I found that when I made new friends who were also struggling with me in this, it became so much easier for me to accept myself and the difficulties that are associated with trying to live a “never been kissed” lifestyle. I’ve never been kissed either! I have friends who have also never been kissed. Know that you’re not alone…